I frowned at how confused and unsure I was with the plan now. The experiences that I was having with Katie were completely different than the ones I had with Chris. Sleeping next to Chris was a firm, solid body and rough hands. Sleeping with Katie was her holding me gently, and giving me 'special rubs' with soft hands. Even now as I feel her pressed against my back, with her arm secured around my waist, I felt safe. I felt warm. I felt..... loved. I couldnt even remember what Chris felt like anymore. And it was then that I realized. I dont want to. I dont miss it as I thought I did. The person I thought I craved, is the one that lightly caresses me just so I can sleep. The one that is willing to do the hardest thing possible for them because of their love for me, and yet they still did it. And sadly it's only now, that I'm aware of their love.

My hand seeks out Katie's that's holding on to me and I interlock our fingers. I have no idea what I'm going to do anymore. My original plan of 'catch the man' has completely vanished with three little words. I love her.


It's a few hours before we are supposed to meet Phil and his soon-to-be wife. I put on my white dress that the studio let me keep from the episode on Supergirl. I knew Katie liked it because I would catch her staring.

I heard the door bell ring and the color drained from my face. Chris' voice could be heard laughing as Darla opened the door for him. I wasnt prepared to see him yet. My chest felt tight and tears started to slowly accumulate. Then I felt it.

I felt two arms wrap around me comfortingly and two soft lips lightly kiss my temple. I melted into those arms and sighed in relief. As long as I had Katie by my side, I could do this. Before I could get anymore comfortable those arms and lips were gone. I turned around to see my ex and another woman standing in the doorway.

The woman was pretty, but I could tell that she didnt like me right away. This must be Patrica. I smiled pleasantly at them and shook her hand. I merely nodded my head to Chris and looked around for Katie. When I saw her approaching us I realized what she was wearing. It was a green V-neck blouse and curvy blue jeans. I blushed a bit and went to her side.

"Chris, pleasant to see you again. You must be Patrica?" Katie greeted. I was surprised at how friendly she was acting. I knew she was very angry when I told her about Chris.

"Yes, I'm Chris' fiancee" she sneered. She was looking directly at me and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"This is my girlfriend Melissa and I'm Katie" she smiled. A warm feeling settled in my gut when she called me her girlfriend and I saw Chris visibly flinch.

"Why dont we get settled and we talk about the wedding with David? He should be here in a few minutes" I suggested.

We walked to Darla's back patio and she excused herself to get some lemonade.

"There is too much stardom in my house" she laughed.

"I would hardly call myself famous Darla. Anyone who doesnt watch Supergirl or the other shows I do probably dont know who I am. Even then, they probably dont know my real name besides my characters" Katie said. Always so humble and polite.

"This lemonade tastes delicious Darla" Chris smiled. He probably wanted to let everyone know he was here.

"You can call me Mrs. Harewood. We'll work you up to Darla" David's aunt said friendly, but firmly.

I nearly choked on my lemonade at Darla's comment. David finally arrived and we began to get into the subject of the upcoming wedding.

"That's so cute that your his best man, and he was your best man!" I gushed. I'm a sucker for weddings.

"Yeah, we've planned it for a while now. Speaking of weddings, when is yours Chris?" The way David asked him made everyone shift in their seats except for the ever clueless Patrica.

"We're thinking sometime later in the year" Patrica beamed.

"That's nice. Hope it goes well" David smiles. "So how has Supercorp been?"

I groaned at the ship name that fans had given Katie and I. I felt Katie place her hand on mine and gently squeeze.

"We're doing fine. I love learning new things about this woman everyday"

I made an error in thinking I would be able to look at her without blushing. I couldnt look into her emerald eyes and not feel like she really meant those words and wasnt acting.

"Yes, I just love to hear you snore at night" I joke. Katie playfully bats my arm and smiles.

"I do not snore! And you would be one to speak. 'Katie would you give my special rubs til I go to sleep?'" My eyes widen in embarrassment and I kiss her cheek.

"Cant keep your hands to yourself?" I smirk. I was surprised at how quickly I had acted.

"Ok, ok lovebirds. We get it. Katie snores and Melissa's love language is physical touch" Darla rolls her eyes. We all laugh and continue on our conversation of Phil's wedding.

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