Part 24

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"Hiya baby...come on be fast!! U hv your scl... remember??"...sanaya mumbled cmng inside hiya's chamber with a glass of milk...
But again she frowned seeing Hiya sitting on the bed with a dull face ...
She kept the glass aside n asked..."what hpnd Hiya?? Y r u looking so dull? Aren't u feeling well?"...she asked cupping her face...
"No..."...she replied in a low voice...
"Then... Then did someone scold u?"...asked sanaya
"No"...she replied again in a low voice...
"Then y r u looking so upset my baby?"... sanaya asked taking her in lap...
While Hiya played with her fingers...nodding in a no.
"U won't share with me?"...sanaya asked with a pout...
Hiya looked at her n again looked down...
"I am hvng my annual after tomorrow... & Miss hv asked me to prepare a speech on my family... But I haven't prepared it yet!"...said sanaya sadly...
" doll is sad just bcz of this small worries I will prepare a beautiful speech for u... N then u show that to your tchr ok?"...said sanaya pecking her bubbly cheeks...
"No maa... The matter is I can prepare it by myself... But the problem is I don't know my mom & dad properly... I don't know whether they like me or not, they always scold me...think that am unfortunate... Only dadu n dadi love me!! So how will I write all these?"...asked Hiya
Sanaya listened to her n her eyes got filled with tears abruptly... Still she controlled herself n said...
"Baby u know what... It's not only about mom n dad who is your only dadu n dadi whoever loves u ... Happen to be your family...!! So if u think that rather than your mom dad, dadu dadi... Anybody else is there who can be included in your family then do write about they all care for u n they should get importance"...said sanaya ...

Hiya looked at her n thought something...n smiled...
"Ok maa"...she said hugging her tightly...while sanaya smiled hugging her back...
"U need any help?"...sanaya asked
"No I know what to write now..."...s
Hiya said breaking the hug...while Sanaya kissed her forehead...

"Hey Parth n vidushi hv arrived"...said Tanya...n everyone turned towards the main door... Including Sandhir...
There they were standing beside each other... carrying a bundle of cuties in their hands...
Tanya ran towards them n took one cutie from them...
"Awwww...they r so cute!! Parth plz let them remain here for lifetime!!"...said Tanya ...
While Parth smiled along with vids...
"U know na that can't hpn... Jaan chhirakta hai dono Parr..."...said vids
"Why shouldn't I?? They r my kids... My pihu & my punit"...he said...taking back pihu from Tanya's hands...
"Hmmm... possessive dad... I must say that!"...said Tanya...
"My pihu is my pride... Infact Punit too"...said Parth...
They shared some talks...when vidushi's eyes fell on sanyu...who was looking at pihu...with great concentration
She went towards sanyu...n said..."hey sanyu how r u...?? Oops sorry... Miss business tycoon!! Heard about your success as a business woman... N I must say... U r way to successful in our friend circle!"...
Sanyu smiled a bit...n said..."yes...m really successful... Through every means of life!"... remembering something....
"Hey Parth how r u? Heard that u r living in dubai now a days.. ?? Working in XCWOT rgt? Well progress is..."... randhir started when Parth said..."wait randhir m fine...n frankly speaking I don't like to mix official life with personal... Specially on such occasions like marriage! So plz excuse me!!"...
From the very beginning Parth disliked randhir's attitude... Specially his behaviour towards Hiya... He knows everything about their relationship... & He often tried to make him understand but the way once randhir insulted Parth in front of everybody in a party just bcz of his concern which he showed towards his 2 n a half years old daughter who was crying in the lap of her nanny n his wife and he were just bothered in consuming alcohol...& He tried to protest regarding the matter....
Randhir twisted his lips n went away ...while Parth conversed with others....

Lightening up his cigarette he smoked it and looked towards the dark sky from the balcony...
"Why did  did u come here!?"...asked sanyu from behind...
Randhir's trance got broke n he threw that cigarette somewhere in a corner...n looked at her...
"U were smoking?"....asked sanyu
"Don't start again sanyu!"...he stated...
Sanyu took a deep breath n exhaled..."ok fine...!!"...she said n sat beside him on the sofa
Keeping her head on his shoulder they both looked towards the sky...
"The sky looks beautiful with those stars n moon...rgt?"...asked randhir
" is...but the fact is those little things won't change the colour of the dark night..."...said sanyu...
For a moment they remained quiet n sanyu again said...
"Randhir do u remember... When Hiya came into this world?"...asked sanyu
"Yes!!"...he said remembering that day..
"Those lil hands, lil face, lil legs...and her pure if an angel came into our life!"...said sanyu remembering the moment she took her daughter in her hands...
"Yes...her doe like eyes just like u, her nose n complexion just like me, n those rosy lips just like u again..."... Said randhir
Sanyu looked at him...n saw tears in his eyes for the first time...while he recalled how Parth was cuddling pihu in his arms...
"Sanyu u remember how I used to cuddle Hiya...just like the way parth was doing his daughter today...!! U remember Hiya never used to take her food untill n unless I made her eat..!!"...said randhir...
"U miss her rgt?"...asked sanyu
"No... I don't miss her...!! Why will I? It's just memories!"...said randhir... & Went away from the room...
While she remained looking at his retreating figure...
"I know your actual feelings's just that u don't wanna admit!! I fear it might get too late ....  Too late for get our daughter back...!!"...she thought... While tears made their ways out from both of their gradually they were realising their deeds...!!

Thank u

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