"You know what else has nine people?"

"Y/N, how do you twist every conversation to be about Stray Kids?"

"It's a talent. Anyways, I'm excited to finally meet the guy that had to deal with you for twenty years~"

"Oh, shut up!" you heard her from her room as you snickered in the living room.

The doorbell rang signalling the boys were here. You smiled, looking down at your outfit to make sure you looked presentable in an attempt to make a good first impression on Yujin's brother. You nodded in approval, reaching a hand towards the door before unlocking it and opening it wide open.

"Hello!" You exclaimed excitedly, bowing respectfully since you knew Yujin's brother and some of the boys were older than you. "I'm Yujin's best friend, Y/N! It's nice to finally meet yo-"

You paused, your eyes widening and your mouth falling open. You were too concentrated on opening the door that you didn't even realise who was standing in front of you. You looked straight at him, a kind smile on his face, his black hair neatly styled so the tips of his hair reached the top of his eyes. His outfit- all black, something you expected of him based on how he dressed in formal events and in vlives. Metal earrings dangled from his ears making you pay attention to his jaw line. My god his jawline. Was it even possible for someone's jawline to be that sharp? You honestly thought the members were joking when they talked about his jawline, but as you stared at it in real life, you felt like your eyes would be sliced from the sight of it. Your eyes then wandered behind the boy, eight equally handsome males standing behind him.

It took you about five seconds for it all to process. Five seconds for you to react. So with those five seconds of reflection, you decided on the most rational thing to do.

"Hello, I'm Yujin's brother Changbi-"

You slammed the door in his face. With those five seconds of thought, you slammed the door right in his face. Right in the faces of your favourite boy group. You slammed the door right in the face of your ultimate bias.

What the fuck is wrong with you?!

"Yujin!" You screamed making her quickly come back down from her room.

"Y-Yujin...! I think I'm sick..." You groaned, reaching your hands to your head.

"What? Are you okay? What happened?" She asked worriedly, as she raced down the hallway to reach you.

"I'm hallucinating, probably from drinking that milk when it said it was best before today,".


"Damn, I really shouldn't have drank that milk-".

"Y/N, what's actually going on? What'd you see?"

You thought back to the event that happened only seconds before, your hands trembling and your face had gone white. "I- I saw them..."

"You saw who?"

"I saw Stray Kids waiting outside our door! Changbin was standing right in front of me! CHANGBIN! He said that he's your brother! I must be crazy! I must be crazy, right?" You exclaimed, screaming in the poor girl's face as she sighed, a slightly guilty look on her face.

"Y/N... You didn't hallucinate. I'm sorry I never told you who my brother was, I knew you were a huge fan and I didn't want to lose you to him. I didn't want you to be like the others who only became my friend to get closer to him. Changbin's really my brother, and Stray Kids is really behind our front door,".


"Y/N, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine,".

Stray Kids x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now