Melody X Duncan ~ Cheesy

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"Walk faster, Melody," Gwen complained. It wasn't Melody's fault for having to be blindfolded. She had no idea what was going on. 

"Shush it. I do not want to hear your complaints," Melody responded. Gwen was lucky that Melody was graceful enough to not fall on her face when they went down the stairs. 

A strange smell filled their noses as they stepped into the room. Of course, Melody had no dea where they were, but she was able to depict what the smell was coming from. Roses. A lot of them. She could hear Gwen giggling a little behind her along with the words, "Wow. He really over-did it."

"Over-did what? Gwen?" Melody asked. She was so confused. "What the heck is going on?"

Without answering, Gwen just grabbed Melody's hand and brought her to the middle of the room before taking the blindfold off. Now, Melody knew exactly where she was. In Duncan's apartment. Rose petals were scattered everywhere. 

Melody gaped at the scenery before her. She glances at Gwen, who just smirks and steps out of the room. Melody walked around taking in all of it. There weren't any candles. Duncan wouldn't go that far, but there were little notes every now and then as Melody looked around the apartment. 

Melody has been in this apartment hundreds of times. Some of those times were for the parties that were hosted here. The rest were to just joke around and sometimes dance, or even sing. Well, Melody would sing while Duncan tried to distract her in other ways. They never worked. Duncan wasn't a big enough distraction.

She picked up the first note, written in Duncan's sloppy handwriting. The note said:

Think of the first place where we met.

That one was an easy one. Melody first met Duncan in this apartment, in the bathroom. Melody may have had a little too much water to drink that night before the party. She stepped through the bathroom doorway to find Duncan and a couple of his other bad boy friends filling the bathtub with beer. She totally forgot she had to pee in the first place. She just ended up joking around with the boys. Really, she was mainly there avoid having to sign everything somebody shoved in her face. That's what she gets for being famous. 

Melody stepped into the bathroom, and read the sloppy written message on the mirror. 

How many bottles of beer do you think I have? Hmmm, maybe you should check.

Melody rolled her eyes. Duncan was going to have a hard time getting that off the mirror. Permanent markers don't belong on glass. Who knows how long it's been sitting there. 

She walked out of the bathroom and went over to the fridge. Opening it, she grabbed the second paper note and unfolded it. 

Aren't you glad this is the last note and the others around you are just for show? Just head to the bedroom. 

With a laugh, she put the little note in her pocket and began walking the small distance to the bedroom. Just as she predicted, Duncan was laying on the bed, hands behind his head. 

"What's up, Echo?"

Melody smiled and held up the note. She attempted to throw it at him. It just slowly fluttered to the ground. "You are a very cheesy person." 

Duncan sat up and raised an eyebrow. 

"Do you know how many times I hit my ankle on the stairs on the way over here?" She was still smiling. "Oh, and don't get me started on these notes."

"You know you love them," he teased.

"You have no idea. The roses also topped the whole cheesy effect," she teased right back. 

He laughed and pulled her down on the bed with him. He let her hand go and laid back down. 

"You do realize that just because you gave me that whole romantic feeling in my gut, I am not going to have sex with you? You know that, right?" Melody laughed as she watched Duncan's cheeks go red. She could feel hers go red too, but she was better at hiding it. 

They've only been together for about a year and four months . . . Not that she was counting.

"Yeah, I got that part," Duncan said. 

"So what is up with the cheesy romanticness then?" she asked. 

He gets down on one knee. "Take my hand."

She rose an eyebrow. "Why?" she asked skeptically.

"I'm trying to ask you to marry me so take my damn hand," he said calmly.

Melody had no comeback. She just couldn't move. She was actually shocked. Duncan chuckled and took her hand sliding a ring on her finger. Melody didn't even know where the ring had come from.

Eventually, she did get herself back together and began laughing. She kissed Duncan and leaned against his chest.

"You know I love you, right, Echo?" Duncan answered. 

"As if that wasn't obvious," Melody answered. "You're such a cheesy bad boy." 

Duncan spun her in a circle, stealing a kiss in the process.

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