Alejandro X Tyler ~ Try

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She couldn't even remember his name. What kind of girlfriend even does that? But what kind of boyfriend is he? Why does he feel so attracted to Alejandro?

Tyler likes girls only. Or so he thought. He honestly doesn't know at this point. 

"I mean, Lindsay's great, but she just . . . I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do with him," Tyler said into the camera. 

Alejandro felt confused. Not once did Tyler mention who him was in the confession.

Al pulled away from the door when he heard the click of the lock. The jock stepped out, his eyes landing on Alejandro causing heat to come to his cheeks. 

"Hey, Alejandro. Surprised your not asleep yet," Tyler said. 

Why am I still up? Alejandro thought. They had a long day. He should be tired, not eavesdropping on some teammate's confessional. 

He just settled with, "Couldn't sleep."

"What are you doing here?" Tyler questioned. It was odd to find the Hispanic there. Then Tyler began to feel panic. What if Al heard everything? Thank God  he didn't say Al's name. Luckily, the audience understands what he meant. 

Alejandro had his excuse prepared. "Just making sure we have no spies, mi amigo. Nothing to worry about."

Tyler's shoulders relaxed visually. "That's a good idea." They had nothing else to say, so they stood in awkward silence for a long moment. Finally, Tyler said, "I think I may head to bed now.

Al nodded and watched him go. Soon he went to bed himself. 


The end of the day is always the most relaxing. No challenges, just laziness. But Tyler felt jittery. The conversation the night before made him question his sexuality even more. Could it be possible for Alejandro to feel the same way about him?

To be alone, Tyler went down into the cargo hold. Alejandro noticed, so he followed. 

Tyler knew Alejandro was there. He saw him step into the room out of the corner of his eye. Question was: why?

"Why aren't you celebrating with the rest of the team?" Alejandro asked. 

"Just need to be alone," the other boy answered with a shrug. 

Al sat on the ground beside him. "Care for some company?" Tyler shrugged again.

Their arms touched as they close to each other. Tyler was actually tempted to lay his head on Al's arm. But of course, for obvious reasons, he fought that temptation. Instead, he asked, "How do you feel about guys?" It was practically a straightforward, gives-away-everything question. It was to late to take it back now. 

Alejandro felt caught off-guard. He finally knew who him was from the night before. Him was himself. He didn't exactly know how to respond. It took a while before he finally did. 

"I do not know," he said. 

Tyler nodded. "I don't know either."

Al looked at the boy beside him. "I mean, there is one way to figure out, amigo."

Tyler looked at him. Was this really happening? Tyler had his guesses about what Alejandro means. "Which is?"

"Trying it out." Alejandro leaned over and gently placed his lips on Tyler's. It was a brief kiss, but there was lots of feeling put into it. 

"There is no harm in trying, mi amor." And then he left. 


I honestly liked writing this one better than the other one... Just let me know what you think!

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