Cameron x Lightning ~ "Um . . . What?"

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Cameron was gay.

That and the fact that he was a small, scrawny nerd meant that there was a giant, invisible sign on his forehead that said "Bully Me." So that's what the bullies did.

He was often shoved into lockers, pushed into trashcans, and given swirlies in the men's toilet after school. Honestly, it was a living hell.

Yet, Cameron could care less. He was who he was and he wasn't going to change that because of some toilet water. He made sure to let his bullies know that. If Scott, Duncan, or Lightning didn't like him for it, that was their problem.

Cameron sat at his usual lunch table with his friends Mike, Zoey, Gwen, and everyone else who didn't hate him. He had his face shoved into a book when Lightning took a seat beside him.

For the past month, Lightning had been acting different. He didn't participate in the Torture of Cameron but instead made efforts to be nice to the nerdy boy.

They live next door to each other. Never in his life had Cameron seen Lightning standing on his porch asking to hang out.

It was mystifying. Cameron was smart, but he and his advanced brain could not figure out why Lightning was acting so odd.

He had his guesses, of course. Maybe Lightning needed help with his grades or maybe he'd been scolded for the bullying. But none of it made sense. It's been four weeks. If Lightning needed help, he would have said something by now. If he'd been scolded, well, Cameron was sure he wouldn't still be shoving people into lockers for the hell of it.

Lightning cleared his throat causing Cameron to look over. The other male ran a hand over his close-shaved hair before very loudly declaring, "Sha-Lightning would like to take you on a date!"

Mike who was sitting across from him, released a nervous chuckle. "Um. I'm saying this in the nicest way possible. I . . . would rather not? "

"Not you," Lightning said, scrunching his nose. Mike didn't even seem offended. He relaxed and released a sigh of relief.

Lightning turned to Cameron. "I was talking to you," he clarified.

Cameron froze. "Um . . . What?"

"I would like to take you on a da-"

"No, I heard you," the smaller male said. He slowly pushed up his glasses and gave a pointed look. "Me? Are you positive?" he asked. "That shouldn't be right," he mumbled.

What the hell? He hadn't even thought of this as a possibility for Lightning's weird behavior.

"Yes. You. I am talking to Cameron," Lightning said like the other was dumb and didn't know his own name.

"But why?" Cameron asked. This was bothering him. His bully, someone who pushed him into a can of nastiness for being gay and nerdy, wanted to take him on a date?

"Just say yes. You won't regret it," the taller male told him.

Cameron was too dumbfounded to think properly. "Uh, yes?"

Lightning gave a nod, satisfied as he stood up and left.

Everyone he left behind was utterly confused. Cameron's brain was a little slow to really understand what he had just done. His face flushed a deep red and he quickly rushed away from everyone before any of them could say anything.

Why did he say yes? He didn't even have feelings for the jock. Ugh, just his luck.


"So, you're actually going through with this?" Dakota said surprised but impressed at the same time. She threw a dress over the door to Cameron.

"Yeah. I'm curious," Cameron said.

"You know that phrase, 'curiosity killed the cat'? the blonde answered wearily. 

"Don't worry. I've thought it through and really, I can't trust Lightning either what with him being a bully and everything. For all I know, this could be some sort of scheme he's planned with Duncan and Scott."

"So why are you going then?"

"I was hoping you'd come with me," Cameron admitted. "You don't have to be there, but I'd feel better if you were somewhere in the building."

Dakota was silent for a moment, thinking it through. She came out of the dressing room in the seventh dress she's tried on since the came to the clothing store. "Do you know where he's taking you?"

"All Stars," the other answered. It was a popular fast food restaurant a few blocks away from the school. Not exactly his idea of what his first ideal date would like.

"Okay," she said. "I'll bring Sam, so I don't look so weird being there alone."

Cameron's face brightened. "Awesome, thanks!"


He spotted Lightning sitting at one of the bar stools at the counter. He took a deep breath and made his way in the other's direction.

Cameron sat on the stool next to him awkwardly. "So, uh, hello," he started off.

"You are probably thinking this is weird, aren't you?" Lighting replied.

Cameron nodded glancing around to make sure Scott or Duncan weren't around. He made brief eye contact with Dakota who sat in the one of the booths with Sam. They were sharing a milkshake.

"Yeah a little bit," Cameron agreed. I'm just waiting for Duncan to pop up from behind the counter with a baseball bat.

"I've spent a lot of time thinking," the jock began, "that I might have some sha-feelings for you. That's why I asked you on that date, just to check."

"And your friends are okay with that?" Cameron couldn't help but ask.

"Look, the whole reason we bullied you was because I was afraid of these feelings. Duncan and Scott didn't know. They just went along with me," Lightning admitted. "I'm . . . apologizing. And I'm facing my feelings now." He looked embarrassed that he was saying such a thing.

"You can't actually expect me to like someone who shoved my head in a toilet, can you?" Cameron hadn't meant for it to come out, but it was something that needed to be said.

Lightning grimaced then nodded. "No, you're right. I know you don't like me. That's why I was hoping you'd let me hang around for a while as, like, a do-over."

Cameron was internally interrogating himself. Would it be possible to have something more with the male next to him or not? Was Lightning actually being serious or playing with him? He would never know unless he took a chance and accepted Lightning's offer.

"Alright," Cameron said, "we can try a do-over."


i'm not really into the bully turned lovers trope but it was the only thing i could come up with >~<

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