Alejandro X Tyler ~ Tattered

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It is a little fluffy 😉 Not a lemon tho

Tyler isn't exactly the best jock. No matter how hard he tried, he just failed from clumsiness. He wasn't bullied for it. He had the prettiest girl and he was quite popular, so he couldn't understand why he was beat up after school. 

The first person he called was his girlfriend, Lindsay. He explained to her what happened and the one thing she had to say in response was:

"Who is this again?"

He still couldn't comprehend why he was still with her. 

Next person he called was his long-lasting friend, Alejandro. 

 "Yes, amigo?" Alejandro asked after the second ring. 

"I kinda . . . just got . . . got beat up," Tyler admitted, a red hue coming to his cheeks. "I n-need some help and my clothes are all t-tattered." 

"I will be right there," Alejandro told him reassuringly. Tyler sighed to himself in relief. 

Sitting there alone, he couldn't help but compare Alejandro to Lindsay. Alejandro actually remembered his name and wasn't *ahem* dumb. He was also a guy which made Tyler stop his comparisons. Tyler bit his lip. He was crushing on a guy. 

It was dark outside. Occasionally, a few cars would pass by, but they never turned into the school parking lot. Instantly, he knew the headlights in front of him were Alejandro's. 

Alejandro climbed out of the car and looked at the brunette in front of him. Tyler stood slowly and took a step towards him. He was hurt, of course, but he wasn't hurt badly. His clothes, on the other hand, were to never be worn again. 

"Thanks for this," Tyler said after a little staring contest. 

"My pleasure, amigo," Alejandro answered. "How did this happen exactly?"

Tyler shrugged. "I'm not really hurt . . . just out of clothes," he confirmed the obvious. 

A smirk came onto Alejandro's face. No pain, eh? he thought. Alejandro had just recently broken up with his girlfriend, Heather, for the boy in front of him. No one knew he had come half way out of the closet yet. He's bi, but what's a better way to out himself by going after the boy he likes? To him, there isn't one.

Alejandro stepped in front of Tyler and took his hand. He leaned forward slightly. "How do you feel about me, mi amor?" He asked. He was being straightforward. To him, that's the best way to go. 

Tyler's cheeks reddened. Not from embarrassment, but because his brand new crush is standing so close to him. "U-u-um . . ." He didn't know how to answer. "I l-like you," he finally muttered. 

With that, Alejandro gently placed his lips onto Tyler's. The surprised boy hesitantly moved his lips in sync with Alejandro's and wrapped his arms around his neck. The Hispanic rested his hands on the jock's waist. They both moved, Alejandro moving forward and Tyler moving backward, until one was up against the school building.

Tyler, being daring, licked Alejandro's bottom lip asking for entrance. Their tongues wrestled. At some point, the remains of Tyler's jacket ended up in someplace other than on him. 

Their tongues danced and fought continually. They clung to each other in the darkness, illuminated by the headlights of Alejandro's car. 

Tyler pulled away, a light blush forming on his cheeks. Alejandro's smirked at the brunette and began leaving butterfly kisses on his neck. 

"A-A-Alejandro," he said nervously. "W-what are y-you doing?"

In response,  Alejandro nipped at a sensitive spot on his neck. A small moan escaped the jock's lips as his crush's teeth guided their way along that patch of skin. 

"Alejandro, I don't think we could do this here," Tyler said. Alejandro looked at him. Tyler didn't mean to ruin the moment, but he was shirtless and they were right outside of their high school. 

Alejandro just smirked and began walking to his car, Tyler following close behind. "You are right, mi amor. Maybe my home would be fine."

Tyler said nothing as he got in the car and Alejandro began driving. A blush settled on his cheeks as he thought of ways to dump his girlfriend the next day. His blush got even worse when Alejandro said:

"I bet you'd look better without all those tattered clothes anyway, mi amor."


I hope you liked it! I've never written a boy x boy before so I kind of procrastinated a little bit. Let me know what you think!

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