Duncan X Courtney ~ A Proposal with Stalkers

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Courtney was in love. 

Tonight, she's to go on a date with her boyfriend. It's been three years since the night Zandre fell out of the tree. And it was probably the best night of her life, even if it wasn't when Duncan and her had her first kiss. It's where they admitted their love, and she was going to cherish that forever. Even if her best friend decided that it would be good to stalk them. 

Now, Courtney stood in front of a mirror staring into the onyx eyes of her reflection. That's when the two "twins" came tumbling in. Well, they're not exactly twins, but you get the idea. 

"So where's the date going to be? Meh twin and I have some ideas," Froosk exclaimed. 

"Yassssss, tell us please," Zandre begged. 

"Are you going to follow us again?" Courtney asked. 

"No," Zandre said at the same time Froosk said, "Yes!" 

Courtney rose an eyebrow. "You can't go falling out of trees again."

"Well, meh twin and I won't stalk you, if that's what you're getting at," Froosk assured her even though it was a lie. Zandre and Froosk were going to stalk them until Duncan went through with his plan. 

Courtney looked at them skeptically. "Okaaaaayy then," she said finally. "Help me find something to wear." 

When Courtney turned away from them, they both dabbed. "And our plan is being set into action," Froosk said sneakily. 

Zandre nodded with a mischievous smirk and they both went to help Courtney get ready. 


Courtney walked into the bar that she was supposed to meet Duncan at. She looked around, searching for the green mohawk Duncan just wouldn't get rid of, no matter how hard Courtney pestered him about it. 

Duncan sat in the corner of the small bar with some friends he wanted to be witnesses when he got on one knee and proposed. He looked over at Trent, a guy who was to play a cover of Marry Me by Train (Trent's idea). He was also Gwen's husband. 

"Are you sure your ready?" Duncan asked him. He was trying to assure himself more than anything. He was more nervous than he ever has been. 

Trent nodded and chuckled. "Calm down, man. She'll say yes."

Gwen put a hand over Duncan's. "You have nothing to worry about."

Duncan took a deep breath and looked up just in time to spot Courtney. He rubbed his hands on his pants and got out of his seat. Walking over to her, he kissed her cheek. 

"I love you, Princess," he said as he guided her over to the table. 

"Love you, too, Ogre," Courtney answered unsure why he was being so vocal with his feelings. She eared a chuckle from him. 

As soon as they knew the coast was clear, Froosk and Zandre snuck into the bar. They were both dressed in black from head to toe and they had lots of gear, starting from night goggles to walkie talkies. They were prepared for anything. Silently, Zandre "told" Froosk where to go.

Meanwhile, Duncan was trying not to sweat like a pig. He did manage to keep up his bad boy attitude, though, so there was that. 

Froosk and Zandre managed to find ladders to use so they could climb in little nooks above the ceiling. Froosk went to one side, Zandre the other.

Froosk picked up her walkie talkie. "Froosk to Zandre, Courtney has laid her head on his shoulder." She said this excitedly. Stalking someone or someones seems to fill people with giddiness. 

"YASSS!" Zandre answered into the walkie talkie. She looked down from her own nook which was suspended above the bar. She had to lean over a little to get a good view of the couples. 

Trent excused himself from the table, for it was his turn to play a song. Duncan gave him a slightly worried look. Trent held up a thumb and smiled in encouragement. From the side of the stage, he grabbed his guitar and stood in front of the microphone. He began to sing. 

Forever can never be long enough for me

Courtney sang along quietly. She absolutely loved this song. She grabbed hold of Duncan's hand and smiled brightly at him. She had no idea that Duncan chose this song for the message. 

Feel like I've had long enough with you.

Forget the world now we won't let them see

Now there's one thing left to do

Froosk and Zandre swayed slightly to the song. Tears were almost coming to their own eyes. The whole scene was just so beautiful. 

Now that the weight has lifted

Love has surely shifted my way

On cue, Duncan scooted out of his seat and stood in front of Courtney. He pulled the ring out of his pocket and knelt on one knee.

Marry me

Today, every day

Marry me

Courtney was already crying. She knew what he was doing, and she already had the answer before he started talking. 

"YES!" she squealed. "Oh, my gosh, yes!" In an un-Courtney way, she jumped on him and kissed him. Everyone was applauding them.

Froosk and Zandre cheered for them. By accident, Zandre leaned a little farther than she should and fell onto the bartender, Scott. 

"Thanks for the cushioning!" she said before going over to Courtney and peeling her off of Duncan to hug her tightly. 

Froosk climbed down the ladder to do the same. After many hugs and cheering, Courtney ended up back into Duncan's arms. Froosk and Zandre were dabbing. "Stalk Courtney and Duncan was a go!" they congratulated themselves. 

Courtney pecked Duncan's lips and smirked. 

"You know," she began to say as she ran her fingers through his green hair, "if this is going to happen, you better get rid of that mohawk."

Duncan rolled his eyes and chuckled. He was just happy to finally have the one person agree to be his. Forever. 


I am sooooo sorry this took so long to make. I hope you liked it though.  Please comment and vote! 

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