WTF Wattpad!?: POVS!!

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Holy shizz this crap confuses the hell outta me.

Okay so, I'm reading and the author is literally going effing nuts!

There's so many Point of Views!

I swear this ticks me off, because I can't keep track of twenty view changes!

And it happens right when the good shit is happening!

And I'm like: that's why we have third point of view you know. So you can tell all what the characters are feeling and thinking at the same time.

But no. They're going crazy switching the views every two sentences, and it gives me a headache!



Hello Watters, so my phone keeps deleting stuff and I have one of those old ass computers and now I have to save like three times for it to get all of it. Ugghh. please give me so hope.

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