WTF Wattpad: The Bathroom!!

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Holy crap the reads, comments, and votes on this book is nuts!

But anyway let's get on topic.

Now this is something that my brother mentioned while I was reading.

Why don't characters use the bathroom?

And I was like, this is a good ass question.

Because believe it or not, the only time they do use the bathroom is to shower, barf, or take selfies.

But they don't actually use the bathroom and I'm like: it's a bodily function, so why not.

Brush teeth: No

Pee: No

Take a shit: No

Possibly Pork in the shower: YEP!!

Take Selfies: Hell yeah!

Barf: if they can make it.

Fights: All the fucking time!!

See what I mean, the bathroom is completely neglected.

Maybe it's just me..... I don't know, I just wanted to point it out.

People just make sure you don't get as crazy as me, okay, it makes you write weird stuff like this.

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