Chapter 12 | Stay Safe

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Warning: Mentions of your Mother, Logan giving you reassurance

By the speed of Logan's bike, you made it back to your apartment in no time. Although you missed the rest of school, it gave you the time to see one of your favorite X-men and your father. Not to mention the people you were going to fight alongside with when everything started to go down.

Getting off the bike and grabbing your bag from the compartment that was behind where you sat, you looked at your apartment building then back at Logan. "Did I ever give you my number?" You told him. "I think I gave it to Storm, Raven and Jean but I don't really remember at the moment."

He shook his head no. "Alright. Hand it over." You demanded and he just rolled his eyes handing over his phone. "Don't tell anyone I gave you my phone. You know how some of them are." He stated as he watched you punch your number into his phone.

"Yeah yeah." You told him then gave him his phone back before pulling out yours and lending out your hand out for him to take it. "Alright. Now you give me yours. Don't worry, I won't bug you constantly like a lot of people do. I'm not like that." You admitted. That's when you saw him sigh then grabbed your phone. He started to punch his number in like you had done with his phone. (Example picture below)

Handing you back your phone, you smiled and placed it back in your pocket

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Handing you back your phone, you smiled and placed it back in your pocket. He was about to turn to get back on his bike until you hugged him. "See you sometime? Don't be a stranger." You said to him and he hugged back before replying "Sometime. Stay safe kid." With that you both pulled away and he got on his bike driving away. You opened up your phone and looked at the contact name he put for himself.

Wolv - Cooler than Scott (Scott being Cyclops)

You rolled your eyes and chuckled after reading it. "God.. you too are like Sam and Bucky at times I swear." You muttered underneath your breath then turned and walked into your apartment complex.


"Mister?" A student asked after Logan's class was over and every else were having time to themselves. "Yes?" He asked looking up from his desk. "(Y/n) is sitting near the balcony again. She looks upset and lost in thought." She said. "Have you tried getting Xavier?"
"He's in a meeting." She replied back to his statement.

Nodding his head, he told her to return back to where she was before she spotted (Y/n) and got up from his desk. He knew that whenever Xavier was busy and unable to visit her that he usually had to. Storm and the others were either busy teaching or on a mission.

Ever since the death of your mother a two days ago, you couldn't help but stay quiet. You had only spoken to those you trusted and stayed in deep thought through some classes. Even during Logan's class which was history. You heard footsteps coming closer to where you sat looking out the window at the view.

"Hey Kid." You heard and immediately knew it was Logan's voice. Closing your eyes, you sighed and felt him sit next to you. You opened your eyes again and looked at him. "How's it going?" He asked in a calm tone.

He could tell from the sad look that you gave him that you were still thinking about your mom. You looked away from him and back at the window. "I miss her.." you said quietly. "We all do (Y/n)." He told you in response.

"Your mother was like a sister to me and not only was she an X-man but she was loved by everyone. I'm like you, broken. What happened to her was tragic yes but I learned the hard way. You can't let grief take control of the wheel and drive you. There are different ways to cope and I know my way is by drinking but that's a good thing. I'm a bad influence when it comes to that but you want to know what was the last thing she said to me the last time I saw her?" He started off and you looked back at him.

"She told me to make sure you stay safe. She knows how well your father is by doing so but she also told me since I'm like an uncle to you. So if Steve is not able to be there during the times of need or of danger, I will be." He admitted and a tear slipped from your left eye then spoke up.

"But something tells me that her death wasn't an accident. I know they're saying it was an chemical explosion but I doubt it. She would detect it with her precognition and try to prevent it... no. Something else happened and they're covering it up. They're lying. Someone has to know something." You stated.

Logan sighed softly and nodded "I know but let's not think about it right now. Let's go get you something to eat since you missed lunch again. Maybe it'll help ease your mind a bit." He said and you nodded getting up and following him to the kitchen.

End of Flashback

You and Logan had some hard times thrown at you since then but always made yourselves around it and got through. You thought about the time Scott took Logan's motorcycle keys and hid it somewhere to make him think he lost it.

Another Flashback

"SCOTT!" Logan yelled from down the hell making you jump from your seat and nearly fall on the ground. Scott laughed from your reaction then looked to see Logan making his way over to the lounge.

"Where the hell is my keys?!" He asked him angrily. You looked at the both of them then looked at Scott as you took a sip of your tea. "This is gonna be good." You muttered quietly and Scott heard you because he then looked at you and said "Hey."

Logan was still pissed and Scott stood. "I put them somewhere." He said "Give them back." Logan gritted.
"Then you have to return my cycle back from wherever you placed it." He replied back and you glanced at Logan's fists.

He started to pull out his metal claws. You looked back at Scott who looked back at you and you mouthed "run." He nodded his head and started running away from Logan. You couldn't help but burst out laughing. "He dead." You said to yourself. "I could help him but then that'll ruin the fun."

End Flashback

You were now laying on your bed trying to take a nap but after remembering that time with Scott and Logan you couldn't help but laugh. They always bickered but that day was funny like some others. Luckily he did get his keys back but Scott had a scratch.

•< Word Count >• 1175

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