Chapter 6 | Rumors

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Warnings: Swear here or there

A/n: This chapter won't necessarily be focused on your standpoint. It'll be more of General Ross having a conversation with nonetheless than Tony Stark. As you haven't noticed already from the title of the chapter, Rumors will be going around. Will you be safe?

Question: Are you enjoying the story so far?

Ever since Tony was the first to sign the Accords, General Ross has been coming to him and questioning him. Not only for the acts that Tony is so famous for doing but also if he's willing to get this done. Especially the fact that the government is basically breathing down his neck for the captures of Steve Rogers and his team.

"Anyone who has not signed the accords and is on the team of the Captain will be accounted for if they do not turn themselves in." Ross stated. "You need to need to get them to turn themselves over or we'll have to intervene."

"Alright alright. Let me think for a moment." Tony told him and sat down near the corner of the room. He was thinking and he didn't want the government breathing down his neck acting like if he wasn't able to do anything right.

General Ross looked over at Tony sitting near the corner and asked him. "Have you heard of the rumors Mr. Stark. There are rumors going around and maybe you have heard of it or maybe not. Either way, you might have some information relating to it."

Still thinking, Tony was thinking about possible ways the situation could go down

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Still thinking, Tony was thinking about possible ways the situation could go down. It wasn't until he heard when Ross mentioned Rumors when he popped his head up. He wanted to know more about these so called 'Rumors'. What did they have to do with him?

"What do you think I might possible know exactly? What are these rumors you speak of?" Tony asked really curious and bothered by the fact that everyone would assume that he knew everything that happened around him or about everyone's lives

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"What do you think I might possible know exactly? What are these rumors you speak of?" Tony asked really curious and bothered by the fact that everyone would assume that he knew everything that happened around him or about everyone's lives. He's a genius yes but he's not one to go around accepting these so called rumors of people.

"Well Stark based off of my resources and links to people around the base, I have heard that there's a rumor of the Captain having a child. Now I have also heard that this child might have abilities. If they do, they also fall right in with the accords."

"Don't you think that, that sounds like a wild accusation? It sounds too bizarre to actually be true Ross. If the Captain himself had a child, don't you think we would all know about it? Besides, it can just be someone making up this rumor just to make others believe them. The paparazzi and the papers do it all the time." Stark states as he stood up from his chair.

"Well it is either he does have a child and doesn't want anyone to know about it... or like you said, it's just a rumor like rumors usually are and tend to me. Spinning around like a web until it's destroyed or brought out into the spotlight." Ross said back to Stark.

"It's these Rumors that get to people General. They can get out of control at times if they're not dealt with." Tony told him

"No it's the lies spun with a bit of truth mixed in with a rumor to make people question. See Stark, all people want is the truth. They want to see the bad and dangerous people locked up so there can be more peace."

"But not all of them are dangerous or bad. Yes maybe their backgrounds tell a different story but people change." He told Ross

"We do not know that for sure. Based on our information and what the public eye has seen, they are starting to believe that they are indeed dangerous." General Ross replied

"For fuck's sake.." Stark mumbled underneath his breath. He couldn't but at the same time could believe why people would say what they did or how they viewed things.

"Stark. Get me the Captain and his team. Anyone who is affiliated with his plan or on his side." General Ross stated in a stern voice. "They're helping a fugitive and they did not sign the accords making them fugitives as well. Do the right thing Stark and get me those people." He mentioned before leaving the conference room.

Tony released a big sigh and took a deep breath. "Man the government just doesn't let you breathe sometimes." He said under his breath. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, any signs of Steve anywhere?" It was quiet for a moment. "None detected. Sorry sir." F.R.I.D.A.Y responded. "Okay. Keep me posted. I'll look for them myself as well." He spoke then exited the conference room.

•< Time Skip To Tony in the Lab >•

"Jar-.. Wait I forgot Jarvis is not Jarvis anymore. He's Vision is an actual-.." Tony started to mutter as he was working on a part of his suit. "Hey Uh F.R.I.D.A.Y, can you order some Chinese from the local place I usually order from."

"Having a rough day I am assuming."

"Yes and I'm hungry. Now please order the usual and send one of my drivers to go pick it up. I'm trying to fix a part of my suit that has somehow got messed up during a flight run."

"Will do sir." Was all that F.R.I.D.A.Y said before placing the order in. "Anything else before I leave you alone to your work?"

"Yes. Play me some AC/DC tunes if you can."

"Have a preference?" She asked him as he thought for a second then quickly responded

"Play Shoot to Thrill." He spoke as he looked back at the piece of his machinery. Not a second later the music started blaring through the speakers.

It wasn't long till Tony had his foot tapping to the beat of the song and he was humming along. There was a moment when he started to sing but almost burned his hand with the tool so stopped and just continued to him again.

•< Word Count >• 1019

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