Chapter 17 | After School

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Warning: Swearing

It has been a while since Flash has bullied you or Liz has criticized your appearance but you didn't mind. It was good having them out of your hair for the day.. or so you thought.

The bell rang and right when you got up from your seat ready to leave class and head to another, the principal spoke through the intercom. Everyone winced at the screeching sound that came through first before his voice.

"Will (Y/n) Berry and Peter Parker please report to the principal immediately. (Y/n) Berry and Peter Parker, Thank you." He stated and both you and Peter looked at each other confused.

"W-why do you think he called us down?" Peter asked as you both started walking down the hallway. "I-... I have no idea. I hope it's nothing bad." You answered. Peter nodded his head at you but also a bit worried because he wasn't sure what it was about either.

Turning the corner to the now empty hallway, you both proceeded with caution and awareness. Not knowing how much trouble you both were in or if you both were in fact in trouble. You reached for the handle and turned it clockwise, opening the door.

"Berry, Parker, come in and take a seat." Weatherbee said. He didn't look happy but upset. 'What did me or Peter do to make him upset? We rarely do anything that gets us in trouble. This is definitely a first.' You thought to yourself as you walked in the office and sat down across from him. Peter followed along and did the same.

"I am very disappointed in the both of you." He started off and emphasized the words very and both.
Both you and Peter looked at each other confused before turning your attention back to the principal. "What-.." you started to say but Weatherbee interrupted you by continuing on.

"You came and cut Flash on the arm with a pocket knife?? Really??" He said in an angry tone towards you. "What? No! He cut me!" You yelled at him and tried reveal the mark on your arm but what cut off again. "Hand the knife over to me now!" He yelled back.

"I don't even own one. I don't even know why you would fucking assu-" you replied but he stood up. "Hand over your backpack now young lady!" You and Peter looked at him in disbelief. Peter could tell how upset you were about the situation knowing it wasn't your fault.

Handing over your bag, he started to search through it. "I fucking told you I don't hav-..." you started to speak out till he pulled out the pocket knife. "H-.." With your eyes wide you stared at the knife. "That wasn't in there. Someone implanted that in there!" You yelled standing.

"Not only are you yelling at me but you lied about hurting Flash and having this knife in your bag!" He replied back. "Sit back down at your seat. You have 2 weeks of Detention. 1 for hurting Flash and 2 for lying. Not only that but you will stay after another 25 minutes after detention and help clean the cafeteria."

"But That is so unf-.." you got cut off as you sat back down. "That is the end of it!" He spoke then looked at Peter. "Peter, I don't know what has gotten into you." Peter still had his confused face on and sat up a bit more before Weatherbee pulled out a used spray can.

"You spray painted the side of Flash's car with the word dick." After the principal said that, it was clear to see that Peter was shocked himself. "But I would ne-.." he tried to say and was cut off also. "You have 1 week of detention and you will also be helping (Y/n) clean the cafeteria."

You and Peter were both quiet afterwards. "Do I make myself clear?" He said and the both of you nodded. "Can I call my dad to let him know?" You asked him. The principal still had his angry face and nodded. With that you stood, grabbed your bag and went out to the hallway. "Peter. I already spoke to your Aunt about it."

•< Time Skip to Lunch Time >•

Peter was already at lunch eating with Ned sitting next to him and Mj was sitting at her usual spot at the end of the table. You didn't look happy at all and at the corner of your eye, you spotted Flash giving a smirk. Liz was at the other side of her table with her friends laughing then looked over at you and gave a disgusted look.

Looking away, you tried your hardest not to get into anymore trouble that you were already in and sat at the table. You were quiet again and you were hungry but because of all of the anger, you weren't hungry. So as you sat there, you stared at the table before burying your head in your arms on the table.

Mj looked over and the look of concern fell upon it. Not to mention Ned trying to cheer you up. "Hey, are you alright?" He tried to ask you and you stayed quiet. Peter nudged Ned's arm softly and told him "don't.." in a soft quiet tone but with a sad like expression too.

Ned got the hint and nodded staying quiet as he finished his food. The bell rang letting everyone know Lunch was over and you picked up your head. A few tears could be seen falling down your face. (Crying in frustration basically)

Wiping them quickly, you grabbed your bag and started to walk out of the cafeteria. The trio who sat at the table with you noticed your tears but didn't say anything when you got up and walked off.

•< Time Skip to After School >•

There you sat. In the quiet yet not so quiet detention room. You were still quiet and remained that way ever since the call down to the office. Peter was sitting near you and sighed sadly because he didn't like seeing you like that.

What you were doing exactly was looking at the table and drawing little circles with your fingers. Around and around they go, in a loop that will never slow down. Tick tick tick tick the clock went as the teacher sat there bored out of his mind.

Mj was there for some reason but you discovered that reason not too long ago when she told you that she liked to draw people I crisis. You thought it was cool how she could draw so detailed if she felt like it.

The good thing about detention was the fact that it was quiet and it was only a half an hour long. The not so good thing was the fact that you had to do it for 2 weeks and clean up the cafeteria afterwards. Not fun.

"Okay kids. You guys can go now. Times over." The teacher said and with that you stood, grabbed your bag and bolted out the door. 'The faster I get this done, the faster I can just leave home.' You thought to yourself. Peter was trudging along not far behind you.

Entering the empty yet disgusting cafe, you placed your bag to the side and started picking up the garbage. 'Why do people have to be so gross and can't pick up after themselves. It's disgusting.' You also thought in your mind as you picked up a milk carton.

Peter was at the back of the cafe helping with the trash then sweeping the floor as he saw you wiping down the tables. It took a while to clean since there were so many tables and a lot of trash laying around.

•< Word Count >• 1304

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙍𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩: 𝘾𝙖𝙥'𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora