chapter 17-part 1: spring break

Start from the beginning

"What cha doin'?" Iris asked.

"Just watching some pretty little liars' episode and thinking... why?"

"No reason, why didn't you come and watch a movie when you were downstairs?"

"I didn't feel like watching a movie..." I simply answered.

"Well, when are you and Ash sorting things out?"

"I dunno... what's with you and all these questions?" I asked and sat up so she could sit down too.

"Just curious... but can't you, like say sorry or something?" She said and looked at me...

"Iris, if you're here to make me apologise or something then please get out! I'm not in the mood at the moment..." I said and got up.

"But, Amber... I just want you both to get along so we can do fun stuff..."

"Iris, stop! I don't want to hear a thing about it! I'm done Iris! I tried to fix it last week but he didn't want to fix it and now I'm done with his behaviour! He can come and apologise when he gets his head out of his ass!" I said and walked away, to get something to drink

"You're not listening..." Iris groaned in frustration.

"You're right! I said I didn't want to hear it so that means I won't listen!" I answered and walked back upstairs.

"Amber, come on! Why are you acting like this?" She asked when we walked back into my room.

"I wanna talk about it but I can't." I answered.

"But why not?" Iris went on...

"Because I'm trying to figure this out myself, okay? I don't know what this feeling is but it's here and it hurts! I kept trying to make it go away, but how do you kill a feeling?" I yelled at her, ending with tears streaming down my face...

"Amber... are you jealous?" She asked carefully.

"I dunno... I only know that I have this strange feeling, like I've never felt this in my whole life and it makes me do stupid things and I just don't know what to do anymore." I said truthfully.

"Well, tell me exactly how you feel..."

"It's like I wanna be the girl he gives his hoodie to wear and cuddle up next when it's cold, he would be the one who comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist, catches me off guard and whispers 'You look beautiful today babe!' and mean it" I whispered while more tears streamed down my face.

"Oh my god, Amber... I think you're in love!" Iris screamed and jumped up and down...

"Don't be so silly! He's kind of our brother... I can't be in love with him!" I said

"But you are! That feeling you have... I feel the same thing for Luke so it has to be... love!" She could go to jumping around to being serious in about 10 seconds...

"It'll go away! It has to! I just need some time! And after him acting like an asshole, I don't want to be or fall in love with him!" I said.

"Amber, you can't choose who you fall in love with!"

"But you can choose to ignore the feelings!"

"Come on, Amber! What do you have to lose?"

"Pretend for a second that I'm actual in love with him and I tell him and he doesn't feel the same... my heart would be broken beyond repair!"

"For one, you don't have to pretend... it's obvious! And second, he obviously feels the same about you! "

"Iris, it's time for you to get your head out of the clouds! You have too much fantasy..."

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