Twelve- Run

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Inside her dream, I saw her running, from her point of view of course. Her small human heart pounding against her chest, pushing as much oxygen through her body to support her sprinting form.

She turns her head back to see her attackers. My heart breaks when I see the color of the dragon like beast hot on her trail. It is black with silver wings, spikes down the middle of its backside and my heart sinks as I realize the beast is none other than myself.

I am chasing her, and she is struggling to keep ahead. My anxiety and dread grow as my beast gets closer and closer to her. A dark shadow flies over her and as she looks up, she sees Zeek in beast form, his silvery charcoal body flying over her.

Her heart begins racing faster, sweat pouring off her body. As she turns a corner there stands Zor, blue and black shining scales and a menacing look on his dragon like face. She freezes until she realizes I am right behind her when she hears my strong deep breath.

She turns around slowly and with one quick swipe of my giant claw, her dream ends, throwing her into an abyss of darkness.

She wakes up in my arms, trembling and whimpering. I hold her close and try to coo her back to sleep. Tears are running down her face. Her eyes blink open slowly, letting a few more tears go as she looks up into my eyes with her magnificent green ones.

"Promise you'll always keep me safe?" she asks in a quiet whimper. I kiss her on the forehead and nod.

"Of course, Morgan. You're my soulmate. I have to keep you safe, that's my only purpose in life now," I say with a comforting smile. She smiles back and cuddles her head back into my chest and her body into my arms. I feel her relax and soon fall back to a sound sleep.

She is the most precious thing in the world to me. Her gorgeous green eyes, fair skin, freckles all over her arms and legs, and small clusters on her cheek bones. She is absolutely stunning. I stop to think to myself how exactly to word how I feel about her, but I do believe there is only one way to say it.

"You love her already, don't you?" Zor speaks softly in his deep voice. I nod my head yes without hesitation.

"I do. She is perfect and beautiful in every way. It is like every day I know her she just gets better and better, and I love her more and more," I say smiling softly and looking up at my brother. I notice his expression changes slightly, looking more sad and maybe even envious.

"What does it feel like to love someone, to have found your life mate?" he asks. I can not help but smile more just thinking about it.

"It is like your whole world changes. It does not revolve around life or death or power anymore. It is about them, your mate. You would do anything for them, and they make you feel so much happier. Almost like a drug or something," I say before stopping to think of my next response.

"You will find your mate," I smile up at him as he looks more envious as I explain my feelings towards Morgan. He simply nods before looking down at his hands.

Zeek is passed out, sprawling his limbs in different directions. A slight snore comes from his mouth which is hanging open, a slimy trail of drool leading off of his face and onto a leaf. I chuckle slightly at the sight.

"What was she dreaming about?" Zor asks. I frown, but reluctantly answer.

"Us," I say in a low quiet voice.

"What do you mean us?" he asks, furrowing his eye brows in confusion.

"I mean she was dreaming, or rather having a nightmare about us, in our beast forms. We were chasing her, Zor," I explain.

"She must have seen us from that cave. Or mostly you and Zeek hashing it out," he says while rolling his eyes. "You have probably scarred her for life!" he says with a low growl in his throat.

"Well, we will have to take it slowly then. Sooner or later she will know it was us out there," I say. My heart aches at the thought of her being scared or hating me. She could even reject me if she found out how. I take a deep breath and sigh.

"We will figure this out, Xenophon. She seems like a strong girl, and you have a strong connection, even though she is human and you a Dyspherian," he says in a comforting voice.

I nod at him and notice the sun rising. We only have one more day before it is time to get back to the others. I sigh, my head throbbing with worry. We need a backup plan, or else if she disagrees with plan A then she is in danger of stuck here on Earth.


I woke up snuggled up closely to Xen's chest. It was hard, very muscular, but comfy. He is asleep, leaning his back against the tree behind us. I look over to Zeek and Zor.

Zor is sleeping similarly to Xen against a big oak tree. Zeek, however, has his head in Zor's lap, drooling and snoring loudly. His arms are wrapped around Zor's left leg, and he is completely snuggled up to it too. I can not help but giggle at Zeek, when I feel a low rumble coming from the body behind me.

I look up into Xen's purple eyes, and he looks down at me. He smiles an adoring smile. He slowly leans down, planting a light kiss on my forehead.

I sit up, making me almost eye level with him. I smile back before biting my lower lip. This does not go unnoticed, as he gets a lustful red in his eyes. He leans in slowly, but he connects his lips to mine fiercely. The kiss is passionate, rough but loving as if he had been waiting to kiss me for a millenia. I feel a slight burning sensation on my lips as we kiss. His lips are firm but perfectly shaped to fit mine.

I move my legs to either side of his so I am facing him without breaking our kiss. This only causes an increase, as the kiss gets rougher. The burning feeling gets more intense as the kissing does. I begin to feel a slight tingle and wetness between my legs about the same time I feel a growing body between his.

We kiss as if there is nothing left to live for and it is our dying moment. His tongue slips through my lips, snaking around before entangling itself with my own. His hands are on my hips, slightly sliding my shirt up so he can feel my skin. My arms are firmly holding his face and neck, holding our lips firmly together.

I suddenly feel a sharp pain on my lower back, near where his hands are located. I ignore it, and continue to ravage his lips. Again, I feel the pain, this time deeper in my skin.

"Ow!" I yell before reaching back to feel what is attacking my skin.

As I reach back I feel the warm blood slowly begin to ooze from my wounds. I run my hands over the marks, which seem to be four scratch marks on one side and four on the other. I pull my hand back to look at it and see my fingers covered in red blood.

"What the fuck?!" I yell before getting up and stumbling backwards away from Xenophon.

My scream wakes Zor who throws Zeek off of him. He stands up quickly and rushes to my side.

"Morgan, your back is bleeding," he says looking me over. He then turns and looks to Xen, his eyes wide as he looks at his brother.

My face must have gone pale when I saw his hands and what had attacked my fragile human skin on my back.

Long, dark colored claws coming from his finger tips covered in my blood. I gasp, and look between the brothers. I back up slowly, trying to gather my thoughts, when I suddenly remember the claws of the dragon beasts last night and it dawns on me; the claws and the beast were Xenophon.

I freeze, my eyes as wide as saucers. I look at Xenophon and Zor. Zeek slowly rises while rubbing his eyes behind me.

"What's going on? Morgan! You're bleeding!" he yells. Zeek reaches out and touches my shoulder but I quickly move away from him. I begin to shake my head.

They are dragons or something like dragons anyway. They are monsters, beasts! My heart is pounding as hard as it can, and I do the only thing I know what to do at the moment; I run. 

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