Gionni's story

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Gionni had been through similar things as Zane. And he planned on explaining that all to Zane go help him in his tome of need because he would need it.

"Okay so I'm going to tell you my story first. Then if you want you can ask questions or tell me your story. Sound good?" Gionni asked

"Yeah." Zane answers

"Okay. So when I was 19 so four years ago I was brustallt assaulted in my hometown. The month before my family found out I was gay and they shunned me and told practically the whole town. I didn't know what to do. So the best thing I decided was to stay at my friend Deriks house. Him and I have been friends for years and he was also gay so he wouldn't shun me. I stayed with him for a month and then decided to go to church and maybe see my family. On my way home from church I was jumped by a group of men. Formerly my friends. They beat me with bats and one of them even shot me because I was gay and went to church with them. They yelled ghastly and appalling words at me. I thought that I was in the wrong for being gay. So I didn't eat them out. But I realized that that wasn't right. And with the help of good friends like derik who is now my boyfriend, I was able to put them in jail. And then I started this. I go around helping people like you faint here life back whether it's from something like this or being shunned by family. And now I am here to help you."

"Wow. That's just wow."

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