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When they kissed it wasn't just a peck on the lips. It was a passionate kiss with lots and lots of tongue. Their passionate kiss went on for about 2 minutes. They were grabbing each others heads and necks. After the two minutes Matt moved down to Zane's neck and started to give him a hickey. Then Zane gave him a hickey right back. It was the best time of there life.

Neither of them thought about the reproductions of having hickeys.

But when they were done kissing and giving hickeys they just sat on the couch and cuddled. Zane sitting in the corner and Matt laying on his chest.

About an hour later Zane left Matt's apartment and went home to his best friend Heath.

While he was in the car he was thinking about everything that had happened and how we was going to explain this to Heath. He hadn't realized though that the hickey Matt had given him was very very visible.

He drove the 20 minutes home, parked his car in the parking garage and went inside his apartment.

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