The party

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They got to the house and started to plan the party. Zane wanted it to be huge and have alcohol and all the normal stuff. But he had told one of his friend to bring his weed to forget everything for real. He thought it would be fun too.
Everyone came over and all his close friends asked him how he was and he started drinking as soon as they got there. And by the time everyone got there he was already drunk. And when his friend came with the weed he was high and drunk. And for Zane it was not a good mix.
He was dancing on tables and on people, yelling, and it was all around fun for everyone except for Matt. He new that he would have to deal with all of the shit that came with the hangover and sober Zane. He figured that stopping him now would make it a little easier.
"Hey Zane. How about we get you home?" Matt said to Zane grabbing his arm.
"No I'm having fun." He answered pulling his arm away and grabbing onto some random guys neck.
As soon as that happened he knew it was time to go. Whether Zane be with him or not.
"Zane I'm going. You can come with me or stay here. But I want you to come." He said.
It was obvious what his choice was because he stayed on the table with the guy.
After Matt left Zane was brought into Jason's room but some guy at the party. And he started to make out with him and then Zane realized he had a boyfriend and kicked him out. The locked himself in Jason's room and had a drunk mental breakdown.
He started calling his mother and father and Hidya and everyone. All of them called him back but he didn't answer. He had crashed on the floor.
Finally, about 6 hours later Jason unlocked the door and found him on the floor. He was crashed. So Jason called Matt and told him and Matt came back to get him home. But he knew bringing him to his house wouldn't be a good idea so he brought him back to Zane's house. Told heath to watch him and he left. He heard the voicemail and even though he knew he was drunk he couldn't be around him right now.
Matt went home and Zane stayed asleep all night.

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