Zane's Family

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About 5 hours after everyone left the party Heath got a text from Zane's parents telling him they are going to be there soon. As soon as he read it he went into Zane's room and told him to warn Matt.
"Matt don't come over whatsoever. My parents are almost here. I don't know what is going to happen but ill call you I promise." Zane insisted.
"Ok. I won't, I promise. You are the vex that has happened to me and if you don't wanna tell them yet don't. I love you to much for you to be hurt. And no offense you tend to do stupid shit. " Matt replied
"I know and Heath informed be before that someone is always going to be with me no matter what I'm doing. And for my parents being here it's him. And I love you too babe."
"Yeah that whole thing was my idea. But we all love you so much so clean your house and do what you have to do before your parents get here. I love you talk to you later."
"I love you too bye."

Then there was a knock on the door and Heath yelled,"I got it." And then opened the door. It was Zane's family, his mother, step father, and sister Hidya. They all walked in and they all said hello and greeted each other. Heath grabbed his mother's and step dad's suit cases and put them in the guest room. Hidya was going to stay in Zane's room with him. After putting the suit cases down he put them in the living room, because Zane's room is around the corner so when he comes out he won't be able to see them.
"Zane did you order pizza?" Heath shouted.
"No why?" He yelled back.
"Because the pizza guy said we ordered pizza and he walked in the apartment and won't leave until we pay him for the pizza."
"Heath what the fuck did you do?"
"Just come give me cash for this. So this guy will leave."
"Aight hold up."
Zane figured that it was his family using the pizza thing was code to them. If heath where to say apartment, which he did, it would mean something good and if he were to say house, that means call the police.
So Zane came out of his room and had 20 bucks in his hand. He came around the corner and started to talk.
"You never told...." Then he looked up," you jerk, he said to Heath." Then walked over to his family and hugged them. He was smiling and happy to see them.
"Hi honey! You surprised to see us?" His mother asked
"Yes I'm so happy I haven't seen u in a while."
"I know we thought we would come and visit."
"I'm glad because we have to talk about some stuff. But you guys just got here so ill order some food and you can get some rest."
"Ok." His mother said and went into he guest bedroom with her husband.
"Hidya your staying in my room. And ill be in Heaths room." He said to her grabbing her bag and putting it in his room and grabbing some of his clothes and putting his clothes in Heaths room.
"Ok but I want some Dunkin Donuts. So let's go." She demanded.
"Ok ok." He grabbed his car keys and they left.

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