We're okay.

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He went in and they asked how it went and he explained it. He started with the first sentence out of Matt's mouth.
"He started with he doesn't want to talk to me. But when I told him I don't remember anything he explained to me I practically told to fuck off and that I was going to be straight for my family. Which I would never do anyways. And he was so worried about it being true that he avoided me. But I explained to him that he was wrong. And I would never and that if they can't accept me now then they can't accept me period."
"Wow I'm glad you did that. I don't think you've had to do something this important." Heath said.
"Haha very funny." Zane answered.
They all started laughing and then Zane sat down and started to play Xbox with them. About 4 hours of playing they left. And Heath and Zane just chilled. They watched Netflix and then had diner and went to bed. It was a bad but good day at the same time. And it put a lot of things in perspective for Zane. And hopefully for Matt too but he couldn't really decide. It was hard to think about it being anything but okay in his life.
Zane did have a hard life but so did Matt so it's equally terrifying to both of them. Zane's dad wasn't really that good of a dad. And Matt his life was just hard, he didn't have much growing up.

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