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Today is the day Zane and Matt go home. Zane is getting released from the hospital and Matt planned a surprise party for him at the apartment. He got everyone to pitch in and set everything up. Since the day Zane tried to kill himself no one seen him because he wasn't ready. Nor has Zane talked to anyone in his family. The only thing that they know is that he was in the hospital because he tried to kill himself.

''Hi Zane, you ready to head home today.'' His doctor asked him.

''Yes. I have been here for a week now and I'm ready. And yes i know i have to come back for therapy every Monday and Thursday.'' Zane answered

The doctor smirked at him and left. Zane finished packing his stuff.

''Hey baby. You good to go I got the discharge papers.'' Matt asked walking into the room.

''Yup lets go.'' Zane said back and turned to kiss Matt. Then they both left room and Zane filled out the discharge papers. After that they left and headed back tot he apartment.

During the car ride they held hands and didn't really talk. Matt had been there everyday since the accident and never left Zane's side. Which made Zane the happiest person in the world. They had gotten back after about an hour of driving.

When they entered the house it was quiet but when they turned on the light everyone screamed surprise. Everyone was so happy to see him. He was rally surprised and he was so happy to see everyone. After they screamed surprise he hugged and thanked everyone for understanding and being so nice. But when he hugged Heath which was the last person he hugged he got some stressing news.

''Hey, bro we needed talk real quick.'' Heath said in Zane's ear while they hugged. Everyone else was talking so they went into Heaths room and Heath told him the news. ''Zane... I got a call from your parents they are on there way here with Hidya they left 2 hours on the plane. I don't know when it lands. They said they'd call me so they could surprise you. But you need to know because of you and Matt.''

''Heath you are so awesome to me.'' Zane said back going back out into the party and grabbing Matt and bringing him into his room. ''Okay so my parents are coming to see me and they are already on there way. They will be here for more then a week because of what happened. But i am going to tell them and I don't want you to be here when it happens because i don't know what will happen OK.''

''Baby of course I understand.'' Matt said back kissing his cheek. The pulling him back to the party.

The party went on for about another hour or two and then everyone left.

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