Chapter 9, Part 1: Something About Her

Start from the beginning

‘HA! Fat chance! She’s way too clingy.” Jack thought to himself. He faked a happy sigh and then smiled at her.

“Thank goodness I found you!” He exclaimed grinning at her.

“Huh?” She said staring at him in disbelief.

“Well,” he began ‘Here comes revenge Alice!’ he thought to himself before continuing; “you remember that girl who gave you my number in the morning?” He asked. The blonde just nodded her head dumbly at him. “Well, after you were gone, she admitted to being jealous of the fact that I liked you and that she’s had this major crush on me for years. So, to make sure I wouldn’t see you again, she gave you the wrong number.” Jack explained faking a sad expression. He could see out of the corner of his eyes, all the other girls in the booth paying full attention to what was happening.

“To make matters worse, I haven’t seen you since then. Night after night I came to this club to try catching a glimpse of you so I could see you again, but you were never here!” Jack said again, looking away with hurt expression on his face. He could see all the girls in the booth ‘awing’ at him and one was even crying. She’d obviously had too much alcohol.

“Oh…I didn’t realise. I thought you were just ignoring me. I kind of thought that you were a player when I first met you…” The blonde admitted truthfully. “But I am sorry and I’m here now, so why don’t we start over?” She said grinning hopefully at him.

“I’m sorry but no. You said yourself that you just assumed the worst of me before even getting to know me. I never took you as someone who would just judge a person without really knowing them. You’re obviously not who I thought you were and I think I deserve better.” He said, looking away again with a pained expression on his face.

“What?! No, no, no! I’m sorry, it came out wrong. What I meant is that when you didn’t answer my calls or texts, I thought you had just played me.” The blonde said, latching onto his arm to try and show how much she wanted to be near him. He mentally chuckled; she was just too easy to fool.

“Well, I know what you meant and the fact that you didn’t try and find me again? You knew where I lived and you didn’t even try and come find me or go back to the place where we first met, trying to catch sight of me again. That, to me, shows me that you weren’t too bothered about this relationship. I’m sorry, but nothing else you can say is going to change my mind and I think its best we both leave each other be.” Jack said dramatically, pulling his arm out of her grasp.

“But…okay….” The blonde said, looking defeated, she walked off further into the club. He kept the pained look on his face but inside he was mentally applauding himself for such great acting skills and such quick thinking. He then turned his attention back to the booth full of girls, all looking at him in awe, respect and sympathy. They would soon be begging him to take them as his ‘new girl’. He felt the corners of his mouth twitch at the thought but managed to push the smirk away and changed his expression to a defeated look. He slowly approached the girls as if he was so sad, he found it hard to move.

“I must apologise about that. I didn’t mean to interrupt your evening ladies, nor did I mean to make your friend disappear. But it had to be done. I apologise once again and I will be going now.” Jack said, filling his voice with as much sorrow as he could muster. He turned away only to be stopped by a load of girls telling him to wait. He turned back round and one of them asked him to join them. After he went through the whole ‘I wouldn’t want to impose’ sequence he agreed. They then proceeded to introduce themselves to him…well all but one, but he wasn’t really listening, he would just result to calling them all ‘babe’, ‘baby’ and what not later on.

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