Chapter 23

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Taehyung's POV~

I can't lie to myself anymore having to deal with guilt and everything I just can't. I don't want to lie to myself anymore. I can't even sleep properly anymore without having wet dreams of Jungkook, he just seems to pop up and I can't lie I have caught feelings for him sooner than I expected. I never really intended to fall in love again especially with a guy. I have to start my plan quicker than expected, but I have to get it done with before my feelings get the best of me.

I make my way up to Jungkook's house and knock until Wendy answer the door with her face all red and her eyes red and swollen. She was still crying and it also looked like she hasn't slept well last night. I come in hugging her trying to comfort her. "Hey, hey what is wrong?" I asked, while hugging her because it was the only thing I could do at the moment.

"J-Jungkook r-r-ran aw-way.." She cried out, I could barely understand her. I cup her face in my hands and wipe away her tears.

"Calm down it's okay." I said, soon realizing what she had said.

"Come in." She said, letting me inside I sat her down trying to relax her a bit. She took a deep breath before explain what happened to Jungkook.

"J-Jungkook and I got into a little argument last night and he locked himself in his room I didn't think but of it because I thought he just wanted to be alone and think about stuff. As soon as I got back from work though his door was still locked and I got worried so I decided to unlock it. I looked for him, but he wasn't there so he wrote a note and... and I am guessing he ran away, and it's all my fault." She cried even more. I hugged her and she put her head in between my neck.

"Can I read the note?" I asked, she slowly nodded her head and passed me the note that was on the table.


    I am sorry for doing this, but I am sick and tired of having to argue with you, mom, and dad. I think it's better off if I just go live somewhere else like that's what you said and wanted right? Start living by ourselves like we are old enough. Well, that is what I am going to do, I will go somewhere far and start a new life if that is what you want. Also tell mom and dad that I love them and to not worry about me or try to find me, because I can take care of myself. I don't need you guys anymore, I will move on and do whatever I want without anyone having to tell me what to do or what to wear. Goodbye Wendy, mom, and dad. I love you all but I have to do this to prove you all wrong sorry, but you made me do this....


    Why the hell would he do this? At at time like this when I was building up all that confident and shit, but no he just made me waste my time and made me stress for god damn reason! Doesn't he know how much I love him? I will search for him I don't care what I have to do just to find him, I will find him and tell him how I truly feel. If he won't believe me then I will find a way to make him believe in me. I want to apologize for all the fucked up things i've done to him. I want to be with him, I can't just let him go that easily.


Jungkook's POV~

I wonder around the city not knowing where to go. I tried to think of what to do and where to go especially with all this money I had from the mission with BamBam and Taehyung. I don't even like mentioning his name. What if Taehyung let me stay with him? No, I can't do that he would think I'm pathetic and just take me back home. I can't though I don't want to go but it's the only place at the moment that I can think of. I make my way to the rich side of the city to head for Taehyung's house.

I walk up to Taehyung's door, tired from all the walking trust me getting to the rich side of the city is head and really tiring. I put my hand against the door about to know, but I stop myself. Would he actually let me in? Would he even open the door? Does he even care about me? If he does then he would open the door right? He said he loved me but if he did he wouldn't have left. I drop those thought and knock.

I know twice and no response. I mean he could be asleep but I highly doubt it. I sit in front of of his door waiting for Taehyung to open the door, but he doesn't come out. Meaning he really doesn't care about me. He just wanted to use me again huh? I shouldn't have trusted him I knew this would happen, but I let my feelings get the best of me.

I get up and start to walk somewhere else were I can stay the night. A hotel possibly, now I can stay in a five star hotel like I have enough money. I'll be able to enjoy myself for a bit. Yeah, that sounds more fun than having to wait for someone who doesn't care for me, someone who doesn't love me.

i have to


the day

will come

where i don't



i hear

his name.

- some names will always be cursed.

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