Mission pt. 2

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Taehyung's POV~

    I can't believe I am actually going to be doing this. I walked up to Kai interrupting his conversation with someone. "Excuse me, Mr. Kai may I talk to you privately?" I asked, trying to seem desperate. He looked at me up and down, checking me out as if I was actually good enough for his time. Then, he nodded his head I (fake) smiled and asked him to follow me.

"First, may I ask for your name?" He asked. Shit I have to come up with a name and quick!

"Uh, Kim So Hyung" I smiled to him, he looked at me with a confused look.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"I don't remember inviting a So Hyung, but I probably did because how would you even be in here." He laughed. I (fake) laughed along with him.

"So, what did you want to talk about? Or did you want something else in return?" He smirked. Gosh if this is how Jungkook got raped I would have easily beat him up before he got to even touch me.

"I want something more actually..."  I acted shy, but had a look on my face that pobably said, 'seduce me' or some shit like that. He opened a bedroom door, which luckily it was number eighteen. I pushed him on the bed at the moment I was stronger than him for sure.

"Damn you're strong. I love someone who is strong and doesn't hold back." He said, bring down the whole mood.  He made me lay on the bed pushing himself down on me making his bulge touch mine.

"Like that? Yeah, it should be good because I will be treating you so well tonight~" He said, and grabbed the back of my head and pushed me to kiss him. I had to do this I was waiting and waiting for Jungkook to single me when he was going to shoot, but he never did until BamBam spoke.

"Jungkook what are you waiting for?! Can't you see Taehyung is having a difficult time trying to get Kai off him, he isn't comfortable doing this! Just shoot already!" BamBam angirly ordered Jungkook.

"Fuck, I want you to fuck me against a wall please!" I (fake) moaned out to him.

"With pleasure." He smirked and lifted me up and pushed me against the wall. Which was beside the window. I hope Jungkook can actually aim and doesn't end up shooting me instead. Kai started taking my pants off and his pants off as well leaving both of us on our boxers.

Jungkook's POV~

    I couldn't believe it, it couldn't be. Taehyung was actually getting fucked by Kai. I-I can't concentrate right. I am shaking to much, I can't get the right aim. I try to look at Kai and aim for his head, but the only thing I can see is Taehyung being fucked by kai... I couldn't help but find it funny seeing him getting taken over by. I smirk at myself and try to keep a steady aim for Kai's head. I breath in and out and aim.


The loud sound of the bullet going through the window and see the bullet went straight through Kai's head. Kai was lying dead on the floor with his sperm still coming out of him. Taehyung broke down and faked cry as gaurds came barging in the room.

    That's when I realized the sniper was so loud it alarmed the guards. I mean I will put the blame on me this time because I was not that far from the building.  I sigh in frustration knowing I have to go save Taehyung from this situation, see I thought my plan would work which it kinda did.

    I walk back into the building and make my way up to the door and there wasn't any guards around probably trying to handle the situation that just occurred. I try to make my way to the crime scene that I made. I had to make a distraction one way or another.

Faded love |Vkook/Taekook FFUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum