The door opens slowly and I watch as a man with grey hair and a white coat checks her IV and vitals quickly and quietly, trying to leave the room before we start to interrogate her. Years of being a Mafia's doctor has taught him to never stay long enough to hear them talk. Curiosity will get him killed.

Moving my gaze towards the small brunette that lays on the old comforter, her skin bruised and bloody. Dark circles are under her eyes and I realize I haven't seen her in about a week the same time I lost tabs on Eric.

I do not doubt Eric would sell his own mother for some quick cash, so I know if he is involved it would be no surprise, but from what the bodyguard told me it seemed like Mo was trying to warn us.

Slowly Mo's eyes open squinted at the bright daylight seeping into the room, it is morning and Blaze has been missing for 15 hours. Just the thought of that makes my stomach turn and my fists clench.

I was supposed to save her, be this hero in her eyes. Some part of me was so obsessed with how she thought of me that it would do anything to prove myself to her.

"Axel?" Her voice comes out as a whisper and my head snaps up to her as her eyes take in the room.

"Yeah, it's me," I bit out more coldly than Blaze would have liked. She swallows taking in my no doubt disheveled appearance, hair standing in every direction from running a frustrated hand through it as I discuss with my father on what to do. Dark circled under my eyes from lack of sleep.

Her eyes shot to the ceiling unable to meet my broken ones anymore, "They have her don't they," she asks softly and again my answer holds much more bitter than she might deserve.

"Yes, they fucking took her. Was that the plan? Were you the distraction?" I ask watching a single tear roll across her red cheek.

"I wouldn't do it," she mumbles and I wait as patiently as I can, "They wanted me to call her and ask her to meet me somewhere alone. Then they would jump her."

I curse harshly under my breath, but she continues as if expecting it, "But I said no and so they... they..."

"Beat you up?" I finish for her and she nods slowly.

"I didn't realize that they would follow me to your house when I escaped. They wanted me to, and used me."

I run a hand down my face groaning at her idiocy, "Of course they did."

There was silence for a moment and the doctor took this time to run out of the room past my father and I as we watch the girl crying and bruised before us.

"They said they would put my mom in prison. Had evidence of her drug abuse," she muttered.

I nod, "Yeah, I figured as much."

She shoots her head towards me, "My mom can't survive prison, much less withdrawals and I can't survive foster care. I did it to protect-"

Her words sparked the already blazing fire within me and as soon as my glare met hers she realized her mistake.

"No. You sacrificed your friend in order to survive because that is all your heroin-addicted mother has ever taught you. survival. You did this for yourself not to protect anyone! You know who I am. You could have come to me, but you didn't," I hiss getting dangerously close to her and she immediately looks away, "And because of that I lost someone I swore to protect. The same person that has had your back since she blew into town."

I am seething, seeing red when she whispers, "Don't tell Jackson."

"What?" I hiss out.

"Don't tell him I'm here or that I'm alive," She says softly.

"Don't worry I won't have to," I say,  "because the second you're walking, you are out of this place. I don't want to see your face."

She lets out a strangled gasp as I turn away unable to keep my anger at bay much longer, "You can't do that!" she hollers at me, "Blaze wouldn't want that!"

At the mention of her name, my body goes rigid as if recognizing its sound and waiting for her soft touch, "Well she isn't fucking here and we have you to thank for that. She can't save your ass anymore."

I leave the room and let my father ask her questions further about where she was and who she saw. The minute I enter the hallway I realize that those words, this anger, that punishment it was my father, the man that raised me. I truly am my father's prodigal son.

And without Blaze, there is no one to pull me back.

As if on cue I hear the clicking of heels walk around the kitchen floor and into the living room alone with the soft voice that knew how to manipulate the men in front of her.

Cursing I rush around the corner just in time to see fake blonde standing in my living room. Her skin tanned from her tropical getaway and her wrinkles lifted from botox. The small figure glances around the room at Hazel's art hanging on the wall, then to the worn furniture laid throughout the small room.

"Mom," I call out and she perks up at the call.

Her head swings towards me and those blue eyes catch mine as a bright smile spreads, "Oh Axel!" She cried opening her arms, "Mommy's home!"

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