Part 7

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"I called it. I totally called it. You guys would make such a cute couple." Michael has a smile on his face, clearly giddy. You blush, get up, and shove him.
"Oh c'mon, it couldn't have been that obvious."
"Nah, it totally was. I knew those 6 am snaps with you guys at random places were suspicious. I wouldn't get up at 6 am for anyone I wasn't deeply in love with."
"Fair enough. What should I do, though. I really like him, but I don't wanna weird him out or anything. You know how he is. All judgy and stuff."
"Oh my god. You like Jared?" Jeremy asks, just having entered the room.
"Yeah. She's in wuvvvvvvv with him." Michael makes kissy noises at you and you just shove a hand over his mouth to shut him up.
"Guys! I'm asking for legit help here." You whine.
"I dunno. I haven't even gone on my first date yet. What would I know?" Jeremy asks, shrugging. Muffled talking sounds come from Michael as he glares at your hand over his mouth. You pull it off.
"Why don't you just surprise him with something nice, then ask him out?" He suggests.
"Like what?"
"Just buy him something he likes, then ask him out with it. Like if he was a sports fan, you could buy tickets to a home game then be like "hey sexy wanna go see the sports ball with me" or something."
"...the sports ball?" Jeremy asks incredulously.
"I don't know anything about sports, dude. Unless we're talking Wii Sports. Then it's my domain."  Michael states proudly. He turns back to you. "What does Jared like?"
Oh god.
You shove your head into your hands, groaning.
"What?" They ask.

"....I am NOT going to ask him out with some sort of meme-themed proposal."

(Head to Part 12)

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