Part 3

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After exchanging Snapchat and Instagram usernames, the two of you part and you take a moment for yourself in the hallway. You sit down against the lockers as the students pass by, and close your eyes for some calming breathing; then your phone scares you half to death as it vibrates in your pocket.

Yo Y/N, you coming? We're gonna stop for slurpees at 7/11
But you can't pick blue raspberry

Or cherry. U can't pick cherry

Why tho

Cuz blue raspberry is my thing and cherry is Michaels

I mean ok I guess???

You tuck away your phone and dash downstairs to meet them. You spot them in the cafeteria, seemingly mesmerized by something. You walk up behind them.
"Who are we watching?"
Jeremy shrieks in surprise and Michael lets out a small yell. You laugh at their startled faces.
Jeremy snaps back to attention, and Michael turns to you.
"You see that girl, the one signing up for the school play?"
You nod, taking a peek at the short n chubby girl gleefully scribbling her name on the list. She's wearing a cute little green dress that contrasts nicely with her jean jacket and short black hair.
Michael continues to explain. "That's Christine. She's in our Bio class, but Jeremy's been seeing her around since this morning. He wants to ask her out."
Jeremy looked at you guys hopelessly.
"What do I even say to her? God, I'm weird." Jeremy said, wistfully watching Christine skip away.
"Well, I know the perfect way for you to get close to her." You say.
You grab Jeremy's arm and pull him over to the sign up sheet, which is surprisingly full for the first day. You skim down the list.
Justin Laboye
Eva Frasier
Heather McNamara
Damian Leigh
Richard Goranski
Christine Canigula

Jeremy watches uneasily as you add two names to the list.
Jeremy Heere
You both look over at Michael and give him puppy eyes.
"Do I look like someone who does theatre?" He asks indignantly. He takes the pen and writes his name, but for stage crew.
"There. Are you guys happy?"
You and Jeremy attack him with a hug and he can't help but smile. He quickly escapes the hug and starts pulling Jeremy along by his backpack strap and you by the hand. You quickly suppress the blush that rises.
Why is everyone in this school so cute?

-Time Skip about as basic as people who say they like musicals but have only ever listened to Hamilton-

You wake up to an incessant ringing next to your ear. Your phone. You peek at your clock... 5 IN THE MORNING?
Who the HELL is calling at 5 IN THE MORNING on a THURSDAY?
You look at the caller ID.
Of course.
You pick up.
"Aw shit, did I wake you up? Sorry."
"You're not forgiven. What do you want?"
"Wondering if you wanna walk to school with me and Evan. Maybe head to Burger King?" He sounds uncertain.
You hop out of bed and grab your wallet, just to find about 3 bucks in it.
"Well, I'm practically broke, but yeah I'll head along. Hold on, lemme text you my address." You type it in, and add a little :) at the end.
A half hour later, true to his word, you hear the doorbell ring as Jared shouts your name from outside. You step out of the house, shoving your hand over his mouth.
"Shut UP Jared, my parents are asleep. Hey Evan."
Evan waves and smiles, his shoulders stiff.
"Why were you calling my name so loud?" You ask Jared. His confused face quickly turns into a smirk as he says,
"Why? Would you rather I make you shout min-" He's quickly silenced by your hand over his mouth again.
"Oh my god, Jared. We just met her." Evan exclaims, shock in his voice.
"Yeah, Jared. You just met me." You say smugly, after removing your hand from his mouth. He glares at the both of you and starts walking. You and Evan walk a little faster to catch up with him. You try to make conversation as you walk.
"So, how do you two know each other?"
"Oh, well, we were family friends. But now we're friends. Which I guess is different from family friends except it has a different title and different friend benefits I guess but it's sort of just a grey area. You know? You know. Right." Evan replies.
"Oh. Wow."
"Yeah. Sorry for the long explanation."
"It's fine. I don't mind."
"Thanks. Right."
You watch as he rubs his hand on his pants.
You turn to Jared.
"So, how far is Burger King from here?"
He peeks at his phone.
"Not too far, we should be there in like, ten minutes."
"Wow, that's close."
After you guys went to Burger King and ordered-(you and Jared teamed up to buy a bunch of chicken nuggets and since Evan couldn't decide, he ordered more after you and Jared pressured the poor boy into it- leaving you with a massive bag full of them), you headed to school and hung around till the bell rang. Off to your respective classes you went.
As you walk into Math, you notice Veronica with her hair done and makeup ready. You take your seat by her side.
"Hey Veronica. I love your makeup. It looks really nice on you." You say.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, thanks. Heather did it."
"Heather..? Isn't that the slightly intimidating girl in red?"
"Oh. Yeah. She's a bitch."
You give her a confused look, and she continues,
"Some people you just gotta deal with."
You decide to leave it at that.
Ms. Norbury speaks up.
"Attention class, we're going to be discussing the syllabus and doing a worksheet on it, everyone get in pairs."
Veronica looks at you guiltily.
"Hey, uh, you don't mind if I go work with JD, do you? I just really wanna talk to him." She fidgets with her pencil as she says this.
"Oh! It's fine, go ahead." You say.
Oh well. Guess I'll have to find someone else.
You turn to Diana, and despite her appearance-which is that of an exhausted dying coffee addict, she's actually pretty chill. You spend the whole class just talking to her and putting the work off for later.

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