Part 5

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Jeremy's eyes are wide as you tell him what went on that weekend. He's shocked into silence for a few seconds, and all you can hear is Christine rehearsing a monologue onstage.
"Damn, Y/N. You can really get dick!"
"Dude! Not so loud! Besides, I can barely. We're just all very friendly."
"Very friendly my ass. Jared called you the girl of his dreams, and Evan fell asleep with you in bed. You're basically married to the both of them now."
"Agh, uh, I dunno. I defs don't want to be married rn. Should I be worried?"
Jeremy thinks for a moment.
"Maybe. But if you're not feeling it, remember you always have other options."
"What are you guys talking about?"
The two of you are startled out of your conversation by Christine, who'd finished her monologue and snuck up behind you. Jeremy starts to respond,
"Oh well- uh we were just- um- talking about, um-"
"Ah, nothing," You interrupt, "Don't worry about it. I gotta go for a sec. I need to, um..." You search the play room for an excuse, then spot Damian practicing on the side of the stage, with some dorky looking kid you'd met earlier named Richard.
(A/N: He's Pre-Squip! I'll probs include him getting it at some point tho)
"....Practice my scenes with Damian and Rich. Be right back."
You leave the two of them to talk, Jeremy blushing wildly as Christine talks to him.

"Hey Y/N. Whath up?" Rich asks.
"Eh, nothing. Just finding an excuse to leave Jere and Christine alone." You reply.
"Oh my god, does he like her?" Damian asks, excited. You nod in response.
"He's head over heels already."
"Thath thweet." Rich states, smiling.
I wonder if he ever gets upset about his lisp.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Mr. Reyes walk into the theater with a newly heated Hot Pocket.
"Places for Act 1 Scene 3, everyone. And Y/N, can you help Michael backstage? He mentioned earlier he needed help positioning the boxes." He says loudly. You give him a thumbs up and a "k", then head to the dark backstage. Michael is lying face down on a few boxes, his hair mussed.
"...Mike?" You ask, concerned.
He flops onto his back.
"Hey Y/N."
"Anything going on?"
"Not really. Just bored and thinking."
"About what?"
"Nothing really. Oh, by the way, before rehearsal started I managed to get to 7/11, so I've got you and Jere's slushies next to my bag over there." He points to his backpack, and sure enough, there are three different color slushies. You're about to grab the Coke, since that's your usual flavor, but...
You lean over and grab the Cherry, while looking directly into Michael's eyes. This inspires him to share his deepest, soulful thoughts on the subject.
You take a long, long slurp.
Suddenly, Jeremy bursts through the curtains with a burst of excitement.
"You guys, you guys! I just asked Christine out! And she said yes!"
"Dude, that's great! Congrats!" Michael says, slapping Jeremy on the back.
"Oh my gosh oh my gosh! Jeremy I'm so proud!" You say, giving him a quick tight squeeze.
"Thanks! Oh man, I'm thrilled. This is the first time a girl has ever said yes!"
"Oh." You reply, and look at Michael, who has a "yup" look on his face.
Jeremy pauses and looks at you.
"Wait. What does this mean for our deal?"
"I guess it's off, then." You say, shrugging. Jeremy is about to speak when an announcement on the loudspeaker interrupts him.
"Attention After School Students of Musical High School. Do Not Come To School Tomorrow. There has been a snow warning issued, and it will be too dangerous. In other news, two of our beloved students, Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney have died. They killed themselves yesterday afternoon. A moment of silence to honor their memories."
The three of you look at each other grimly.
"Please inform the students who went home not to come to school tomorrow. Have a wonderful day."
"Oh my god, YES!" You exclaim jubilantly. Michael and Jeremy just stare at you. "Oh my god. I'm not cheering about their deaths. That's tragic. I'm just very excited there's no school tomorrow."
They nod. Jeremy and Michael make eye contact with each other, an unspoken message going between them. They then turn to you.
"Wanna sleep over?" They ask in sync.
"What? Where? With who? When?" You ask, taken aback.
"A sleepover at Jeremy's place, just us three, tonight." Michael responds.
"Oh. I mean that sounds pretty harem-like but ok."

<Time Skip as big and obvious as Andrew Rannells' boner at the 2017 Tony's>

Big, thick snowflakes fall from the skies, and the three of you are pressed against the windows. Jeremy's dad watches along with you, wearing pants for once.
"Dad, do you have to watch the snow in my room? It's creepy." Jeremy whines.
"Sorry, son. It's just refreshing to see you and Michael finally added someone else to your tight knit club. You know your mom would've loved it." Mr. Heere states, sadly.
"Mom's gone, dad." Jeremy replies, his voice emotionless.
"I know." Mr. Heere leaves.
"Whoa, Jere. That was kinda harsh." Michael says.
"Yeah," You agree, "It was a little much."
"Whatever. Why doesn't he just move on? Mom clearly has." Jeremy ends the conversation with a bitter frown.
"I just need to use the bathroom. I'll be back in a sec." He leaves the room.
Michael moves away from the window and sits cross legged. You take the opportunity to join him, except you lay down and lie your head in his lap. He stiffens for a second, but quickly starts stroking your hair, as if this was the most casual thing in the world. Neither of you acknowledge the somewhat romantic undertone of the action.
"What are you gonna do now that the deal's off?" Michael asks.
"What do you mean?"
He twiddles his thumbs behind your head. "I dunno. Are you gonna keep chasing after anyone romantically? That is, assuming, you had someone in mind."
"....I think so."
Michael pulls a nearby Eevee plushie and hands it to you. You start playing with it.

("You." Part 6)
("Jared." Part 7)
("Evan." Part 8)
(...Jeremy." Part 9)

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