Part 2

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Why is it so FUCKING loud?
You scope out the area. Not too many students, at least. But for the small amount, they sure were making a lot of noise. After grabbing your food, you quietly start making your way across the cafeteria. Not recognizing anyone nearby, you take a seat on the side. You eye the table at the front. Despite it only being the first day, Heather seems to have formed a clique with some other girls already. It's made up of an assortment of gorgeous girls, all of them seemingly in agreement that they're proud to be included in this elite group, all of them leaning in to listen every time Heather speaks. On the side of the table, a girl with red hair sits, seemingly out of place among them. Next to her, Veronica, clad in a brand new outfit.
"Eyeing the bitch clique already, I see?"
A girl who seemed to be the polar opposite of everyone at that table throws herself down by your side, while a dude a little on the heavier side joins you as well. The girl flicks a lock of her jet black hair out of her face.
She kinda looks like Veronica. Huh.
"What's your name?" The girl asks.
"Oh, uh, it's Y/N. And wait- Bitch clique...?" You question.
The dude waves his hand in a showy gesture towards them.
"Oh, yeah. Look at them, in their snobby little..perfect bodies..and perfect hair.. and..." He trails off, looking sadly at himself. The girl leans over you and pats him on the back.
"I'm Janis, and my sad buddy over here is Damien. As you may have noticed, he's almost too gay to function."
You let out a little snort as Damien gives Janis a little whack.
"So, do you know what group you're heading to? Or do I get to sing my snazzy introduction song?" Damien asks, a twinkle in his eye.
"Please don't." Janis says bluntly.
You smile at their banter but hasten to answer the question.
"Uh, yeah, actually, I'm looking for this kid named Jeremy and his friend Michael? He said to come find him during lunch."
"What do they look like?" Damien questions, leaning his head on his hand as he waits for a response.
"Well, I haven't met Michael, but I know Jeremy is sorta tall, skinny, wearing a gross blue cardigan that is an absolute fashion disaster?"
Damien snaps to attention.
"I know exactly what fashion disaster you're talking about. Would that happen to be him in the corner, with the hot nerd in the red hoodie?"
Sure enough, it's Jeremy. He and who can really only be Michael are sitting in the corner, sharing Nintendo Switch joy cons to play together.
"Yeah, that's him. Thanks for the help, guys. See you around!" You quickly run to the corner to greet them.
"Hey Jeremy!" You say cheerfully. Jeremy mutters a quick hey under his breath, too focused on the game he and Michael are playing, which by the looks on their faces, must be some crazy intense, absolutely wild game with super high stakes. You peek over.
It's Mario Kart.
Little snippets of conversation pop out suddenly, along with concerning vague threats as they make their way through a difficult looking course.
(A/N: Y'all should tell me your favorite Mario Kart courses. I'll start: mine is Excitebike Arena)
"If you throw that-"
"You better FUCKING NOT-"
"You suck-"
"Ha bitch-"
"IS THAT A BLUE SHELL?" Jeremy yells. Koopa Troopa is suddenly blown apart by a blue shell just as he's about to cross the finish line. A truimphant Michael as Shy Guy zooms past him and takes first place.
(This part is censored for the audience's own good)
When Jeremy finishes cussing out Michael he snaps out of it and calmly turns to you.
"How was your day, Y/N?"
"Uh, it was good. How was yours?" You ask, unsettled.
"It's been bad. Anyways, allow me to formally introduce you to my friend Michael. He's probably the coolest person you'll ever meet, when he's not being a dick in Mario Kart. Michael, this is Y/N."
Michael outstretches his arm for you to take, and you shake it firmly.
"Nice to meet you! We were just about to jump into DK Jungle. Wanna join? I've got an extra control." He offers you a neon yellow control, which you gladly take.
"Yeah, sure. But fair warning, I may get a little...intense."
They both grin at you.
"Isn't that really the only good way to play?" Jeremy responds, a mischievous glint in his eye.

~A Time Skip about as long as Will Rolands front teeth~ Just kidding its not that long, just till near the end of lunch
Also an FYI the Jeremy I'm writing is more Will Connolly than Will Roland lol

All three of your untouched lunch trays are shoved into the trash by a nearby janitor as you've all been so deeply into the game you forgot to eat. The bell rings, and all three of you are startled.
Michael rubs the back of his neck. "I didn't think we were at it that long. But for the record, we're totally continuing this later at my place."
You look at the time on your phone.
"What class are you guys heading to?" You ask.
"Bio." They reply in unison.
"Dammit. I'm headed to History."
"Aw, that sucks. Well, see ya after school." Jeremy waves and the two of them head off in the direction of the lab. You peek at your room location, and calmly begin walking up the stairs to the fourth floor. Soon, there are barely any other people in the hall. You're just about to reach the top when you hear a voice from behind you.
"Oh, hey. You're that girl Evan was talking to earlier."
You turn around and toss Jared a look.
"I have a name, you know."
"Mind sharing?"
"It's Y/N."
"Yeah, I know."
You both stand in silence for a second.
"So," Jared starts, "I'm guessing you're headed to History too?"
"Yeah." You both walk in comfortable silence, and you eye the posters on the wall for different clubs. Drama club, Cheerleading, Science Club, the Basketball Team. The list goes on.
And then you walk headfirst into a wall.
You hear a snicker from Jared, and glare at him.
"I'm fine, thanks for asking." You say pointedly.
He shrugs, clearly still amused. "I know I'm distracting and all, but try to watch where you're going, ok?"
You turn red and start to sputter.
"I- uH- I wasn't- I was not watching you!"
He smirks. "Sure you weren't"
You snort. "You're insufferable."
The two of you finally reach the classroom just to face the teacher's angry look as he stares you down for being late.
Oh man. I KNEW that hallway was suspiciously empty.
You and Jared take the only table left, which was sadly directly in the front.
"Okay class, today we're going to start with review. So can anyone tell me what a homozygous gene is?"
Jared makes a sexual face at you from even the mention of the prefix homo.
This is gonna be a long class.

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