Chapter 12: Uncertain Attraction

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck are you doing?!"He let out a laugh before replying, "I figured that your definition of attractive doesn't surround on the face." She awkwardly laughed and denied his claim. She immediately grabbed a pillow from her bed and threw it towards him. Fortunately, he caught it on time.

"Now, can you leave? You're disturbing my beauty sleep," Violette said as she was about to close the door. He raised an eyebrow at her statement and said, "Oh. I'm certain that you weren't sleeping in the first place. You did say that you have trouble sleeping."

He laughed at my reaction before finally leaving her in peace. She stared at his retreating figure with a rather small smile on her face. This idiot. She closed the door and sighed in relief. Maybe, things aren't so bad after all.

Alexandero faced back and forth in his room as he thought about the bad things that might have happened to her

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Alexandero faced back and forth in his room as he thought about the bad things that might have happened to her. Helena. He hasn't seen her for a week. The typhoon has already left. Everyone in Cielo Brillante spent their time cleaning up the mess brought by the typhoon.

I've forgotten that she can't swim. He stopped walking upon realizing that it might be possible that something unexpected happened to her. He already went to her secret meeting place many times but she never came. It was as if she suddenly disappeared into thin air, leaving no clue for her lover to find out about her whereabouts.

He even went to her house but it was empty. Her belongings were left untouched as if she never left. He speculated that she might have been forced to stay in her master's home. He knew that she would never dare to leave him without an explanation.

He walked towards the window and stared at the rain as it fell down. Today's weather isn't any better than yesterday. He placed his palm on the glass and looked at his reflection. A memory flashed onto his mind. A memory that used to torment him.

He remembered seeing his grandmother's ruined face after she fell down the stairs. It terrified him when he was little. Due to her appearance, she destroyed every single mirror in the house. Only the reflection of the glass window gave him a clear picture of his physical appearance.

His grandmother was vain. So much so that she neglected taking care of her grandson, Alexandero. His father never paid any attention nor did he cared. His mother was nowhere to be found. Only his cruel and vain grandmother.

He let out a chuckle upon remembering the first time he did something naughty. He pushed one of the servants down the stairs when she was cleaning. He felt a sense of satisfaction upon doing that. He felt powerful. He wasn't punished for it because he blamed it on his grandmother.

He pulled his palm away from the window, leaving a mark of his hand. He went out of his room and decided to have some entertainment. Not the entertainment that young men such as him would usually like.

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