Chapter 26

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Fluff because i feel like i've been writing a shitton of angst:))

y/n woke up feeling as if a weight- more so, a ton of weight has been lifted off her shoulders, yet she couldn't find it in herself to speak aloud. "Morning sunshine"
A tiny smile appeared on her lips, as she waved to her parents and Harry, who gathered around the table eating toast "we're going to place after breakfast to pick up some of my things" her parents nodded in approval, "do you need someone to drive you?" the two teens shook their heads
"May's coming to pick us up..then we're going to the movies," y/n sent Harry a pointed look, that he quickly recognized as the 'I didn't tell my parents yet'
"...if that's okay with you guys" again the adults sent them a nod "come,sit down and eat y/n" carefully she sat down next to her father, who was reading the paper I haven't seen anyone read newspaper unless its for school.. she laughed to herself then gasped when she saw the date. All eyes were on her, as she signed 'tomorrow' sad smiles appeared on her parents face, "Ethan's 28th birthday is tomorrow" her bottom lip began to quiver ~y/n? What's wrong?~ she looked down at her hands ~Ethan's birthday is tomorrow~ a warm feeling draped around her, as if Peter was hugging her ~we can visit him tomorrow, you and me..i know you try to avoid visiting him so you don't have to.~
~i'd like that Peter~

"May, uh..listen, y/n isn't..." a glow of panic was in may's eyes "no, no. she's okay, don't worry..but yesterday was..hard so she's sorta in shock i guess so she's not..talking, i know..don't ask any questions yet i.." May studied her boy
"it's alright Peter..i get that. I won't pry..until she's ready" Peter rolled his eyes and shot her a smile "but for real,"
"don't worry, i know it could be hard..she's such a young girl going through so much"
"Anyways, lets go pick them up" he said as he picked up a backpack that was full of snacks covered by a sweater to sneak into the movies. "Oh that your movie backpack?" he smiled "yeah, worth sharing with an old friend and my soulmate" May rolled her eyes "but not your aunt?" shrugging, Peter picked up the keys "i'm driving" May sighed "alright fine. Got your license?" he wiped out his wallet showing it to her then walking out the door.
Once at the y/l/n residence, Peter jumped out and went to knock on the door "morning Peter" y/n's mother greeted him "good morning mrs. y/l/n" he beamed
"come in for a while, breakfast took some time, so both Harry and y/n are getting ready,and invite your aunt in" he politely smiled as he nodded, then went to call his aunt.
After both y/n's parents, May and Peter were comfortably sat in the living room, came the 'awkward first time parents meet significant other' talk. "So Peter, you go to Midtown as well?" the boy nodded swallowing his juice "yes. I've been going since freshman year by scholarship" a bright smile appeared on Mays lips, squeeze Peter slightly in a one arm hug "May.." Peter mumbled, his cheeks became pink as his smile mirrored hers, "i can't help but be proud of my boy"
y/n's parents smiled, they had learnt from y/n that it was only Peter and his aunt at home.. "We're um..we're having a party tomorrow at the house..well more like a gathering..but it would be amazing if you two could come by" May and Peter smiled "we'll be here"
Seconds later, Harry and y/n made their way downstairs, Peter grinned at the two of them "ready?" ~i wanna watch Bumblebee!..well you know after we get Harry's things~ Peter chuckled lightly then met her at the end of the stairs, pulling her into a tight hug the adults- and Harry grinned at the couple. "Well..c'mon. We're wasting daylight" y/n stuck her tongue out in Harry's direction then reluctantly pulled away from Peters embrace. "Lets go, i'm driving" y/n's eyes widened as she shook her head "hey, i'm not that bad!"
all eyes landed on May "..yep, sorry Pete, but i'll drive us for now" he pouted as he picked the keys out his pocket then dropped them in Mays open palm ~we can cuddle in the back...~
"YES," Peters cheeks became a bright red
" Harry, you can take shotgun, lets go.. Nice meeting you..uh officially Mr. and Mrs. y/l/n" Peter dragged the young girl out the door as she threw back an innocent smile towards her parents,along with a wave. Harry and May both followed shaking their heads giggling.
~why do you have a backpack?~ she looked up at the boy "open it" he smiled back, picking it up from the floor and placing it between them. Carefully, she unzipped the bag, confusion ran through her head. Why did Peter Parker need so many sweaters? "Underneath them" he moved all the articles of clothing. y/n eyes widened
~is this what it's like going to the movies with you all the time?~ Peter chuckled, thinking of the one and only time he didn't bring the bag. ~Peter you FOLLOWED Harry and i to the movies on our date?~ he looked down at his bag, he felt y/ns hand pull on his ~you're such a creep~
Peter looked up at her face, no hint of anger or annoyance. Just shock and a hint of a smile ~i was protective okay.. I knew you were mine but i was scared to tell you and...yeah~ she grinned, pulling Peter closer to her so she could rest her head on his chest and he could easily wrap his arms around her. Peter was beaming, he loved this.
How he never wanted to meet his soulmate was beyond him. He would never trade this for anything in the world. ~what you thinking about there spider boy?~ she asked pushing herself up to look at him. Confidence and happiness flowing through his veins, ~just thinkin of you..~ he couldn't help but peck her cheek, earning an even larger grin form the girl ~you've never done that before..~ "damn Parker, keep it in your pants" Harry chuckled from the front seat "didn't know we had an audience" Peter fired back
"Peter!" May exclaimed, causing the three teens to snicker "s-sorry May..i just.." May glanced at Peter through the mirror "i know what you did Peter" Harry doubled over laughing at Peter; his whole face and even his ears were turning red, y/n smiled at him, gently taking his hand into her own, then she pecked his cheek before getting comfortable on resting on his chest again. "Oh God!" Harry wiped away some tears from laughing so hard "Peter you're..yo-you look like a fire truck!" Peter pouted then buried his face in her hair ~you did that on purpose~
~you're cute when you're embarrassed~

The four of them got out the car and entered the empty and quiet house "i'll be quick..uhm, May can.. er.. Well i'm good at packing so..uh, 'was wondering if you me" May nodded "Peter, you and y/n could stay here..or find some of the toys you left in your room" Peters eyes widened, pulling y/n towards a room "my 1978 Luke Skywalker action figure!"
Once in the room, Peter turned on the lights and smiled at all the star wars posters scattered on the walls ~is that...the first edition iron man figure?!..~ y/n walked over to it " was actually one of the first ones made..Mr. Osborn..he used to spoil Harry and I with toys and posters to get us out of his hair." he gestured round the room. ~can i look around?.~ he hummed in response "i don't see why not..last time i was here was grade school so there's not much.." after looking around, y/n threw herself down on to the bed with a long sigh "tired?" ~yeah..after you left, i couldn't sleep well~ a small frown appeared on his face "maybe we can convince May and your parents to let one of us sleep over at one of our places" she nodded, a small smile crept upon her lips ~have you ever kissed someone Peter?~ he sat down at the edge of the bed, sighing loudly, while shaking his head 'no', y/n inched closer and closer to him, his breath hitching ~...we'll kiss when you're ready~ she smiled brightly at him.
Harry knocked on the open door with a sad smile upon his face "we're done!..also, uh before i forget y/n, i'm uh..gonna stay over at May and Peter's..thanks for letting me crash at your place on one of the worst nights" y/n looked up at the broken boy ~thank you~
"thank you" Peter repeated
~for staying with me the first night, trusting me, and for staying with May and Peter instead of being alone here..~ again, Peter repeated her words as she stood up to hug Harry "thank you for being here for me" Harry mumbled into her shoulder as he pulled her close to him. When he pulled himself together, he smiled towards his two friends "Alright, enough with this crying fest, let's go watch our movie!"

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