Chapter 21

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Yeet so no ones confused, these next few parts will be jumping the timeline a bit so we can find out what the hell Nick did and so we can get back to our favourite Peter Benjamin Parker:')

"you don't have to go to school yet y/n" her mum said "i..i don't want to really...bu- but Ethan wants me to be strong, i'm going to school for Ethan" she said confidently, wiping away a small tear before it can trickle down her cheek. "are you sure?" she once again, nodded
"for Ethan mommy" her mother let out a soft sigh
"alright then, hurry up okay? we gotta go soon" y/n gave a small smile and looked through her closet, finding her favourite purple shirt Ethan gave her before the accident.

once done getting ready, she went down the stairs, tripping on the carpet like she always does "y/n" her dad called "yes daddy?" he came out from the kitchen with a shoe box in his hands "we..we were cleaning up Ethan's room and found this, theres a note in it and it said he taught you how to read in it" there was a note in it along with light up shoes. the note read

Dear y/n,
i decided to write this note because by the time it's your first day of school, i'd be in college (yes bigger school) and i would've asked mom and dad to give this to you, and you would be able to read this because you're the best 5 year old i know, the smartest 5 year old i know and now you'll be the coolest with these AWESOME light up shoes! the ones you wanted long time ago when we went to the mall, mom and dad said they were to ex-spen-sive(sound it out y/n. you got this) so i saved up for them. for you.
I love you kid, don't be too hard on mom and dad while i'm gone. i'm going to miss you so much

Love, Ethan(aka your favourite)

y/n had tears. she missed her brother and she loved him with her whole heart. Ethan did everything for her, Ethan was her rock, he taught her to read, to count, he taught her everything she knows.
"i love you too Ethan" she mumbled, looking at the shoes and she smiled, taking them out and putting them on. "look at you" her mom said with a smile
"all grown up now huh?" y/n ran into her arms "i'm still your little girl momma" something Ethan had said every time he went up a year in school(except he would say 'boy' not girl.)

"Ned!" she smiled, running up to her new friend who has been helping her through all of this "y/n!" he hugged her
"someone's looking for you" he pointed to a boy who had a soccer ball in his hands and talking to someone
"Nick?" she asked. the boy with the soccer ball smiled and walked over to her "hi y/n"
"hi Nick! erm. this is Ned, Ned this is Nick" Ned had a shy smile
"h-hi.." Nick nodded his way then said
"i'm gonna go talk to Maddy. bye guys" the two waved then made their way to the classroom, picking a seat next to each other.

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