"You know I'm good for it..." he breathes down my neck.

He is so close, I can feel the power and heat radiating off of him, like an ember set ablaze on a hot summer day. I shiver at the chills running along my spine and curse my core for its betrayal. Finally, burying his nose in my hair, he pauses briefly before taking in a long deep inhale and pulling back. Running his violet gaze down the length of my robe, he maintains his distance as he grips me by the shoulders. His expression is unreadable as he brings his regard back up to mine.

'I will not repeat myself. Get. Dressed'.

His grasp on me tightens gently as he plants a swift kiss on my forehead before releasing me and taking his leave. "Half an hour." is all he says before closing the chamber door.

40 Minutes Later:

Once again, lost in thought. I don't know how to feel. To think just a few days ago, I had been waking up back in the mortal realm. Now here I sit, my emotions a wreck as I try to walk the dangerously blurred line between hope and fear.

I shake it off as my mind returns to its previous preoccupation.

I face a dilemma. We were supposed to be on the town today, and I had no idea what to wear, nor what I was doing.

How exactly does one prepare to go back into her ex-lover's town? A town which she so abruptly abandoned a year ago? How do I explain my reappearance? What if everything has changed and I no longer retain the favors I once held? What had he been telling them?

"No one will bother you, you needn't worry" comes his deep voice from behind me as my thoughts continue to so my head in. Suppressing my instinctual startled reaction, I peer at him through the vanity's reflection.

He is firmly planted in the middle of the doorway, his arms crossed in front of his broad chest. Refusing to let my attention be pulled to the faint runes adorning his neck, I settle for studying the gems adorning the length of his dress shirt instead. The Lord of the Sky... Always making his appearance silent and unannounced.

Finally, after a while of avoiding his silent inquisition, I speak up allowing my thoughts to come clean. "I don't know how I am to face them again...after all this time" I declare, staring down into my lap.

"You owe no one nothing" he assures tightly.

"You are queen of the sky, and you answer to no one... but your lord" he adds for satisfaction; and I let him.

Though what he says may ring true...by his standards, I still can't seem to shake the feeling of guilt and paranoia away. I let out a long huff as I steer my attention back to my reflection.

I feel the sudden rush of his presence right beside me as he caresses the side of my face. Slowly and gently, he runs his knuckles along the length of my face, trailing a slow, teasing path down along the length of my neck and over my collarbone before reaching my shoulder. The contact makes me close my eyes as my core begins to burn with a forbidden longing. He knows what he is doing...and he knows it is working.

Continuing to caress my exposed skin, he runs his knuckles down the whole of my arm and finally, takes my hand in his. Slowly, Valentine tugs me up, prompting me to stand.

When I do, he takes a long moment to study my face. I can feel the warmth of his icy gaze running tiny marathons across my features. Interlocking our fingers, he brings my arm up to plant a kiss on the back of my hand; all the while keeping his frosty regard fastened to mine. It isn't an aggressive stare, but one of invitation and comfort. Gentle and calm. He pulls me into him and buries his head into the crook of my neck.

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