"Sasuke Uchiha, your visiting time is up. Please exit through the building."

The raven-haired boy looked at the nurse and turned his back on Naruto. He raised his hand up whilst walking off and then left the building after saying a message to Naruto.

"Guess this is it. Goodbye Naruto. Tell me when we next meet as comrades."

Naruto could not let him leave yet.

"What about as friends?"

No reply.


He was gone and the instant regret of not stopping him sooner stepped in but as he was going to take his actions further the nurse shut the door leaving Naruto not knowing what to do.

He lay his head back on the pillow of his bed and lay down with mixed emotions. Sadness over his improper leave, anger that his new hokage ordered this, pain that he had worked this hard to achieve this in the end.


It had been half an hour since Naruto had gotten his recent news but he was not feeling any better about anything that happened.

Seconds later his window was opened up by an outsider and the figure walked into the room and set his gaze upon the depressed Naruto.

"Hello there my honoured pupil. Why are you looking so sad? Did you not just rescue your friend."

He still lay quiet in regret but his teacher set him up straight and continued talking.

"Care to go on an adventure with me young Naruto?"

"Please not now pervy sage. I need some time alone right now."

Jiraiya frowned upon his disciple and scratched his long spiky hair in confusion.

"Huh, you always complain about training and when I give the opportunity you end up rejecting it. Sadly Naruto that can't be accepted right now..." The young boy looked at his teacher, " A little birdie came and told me somebody unleashed his wrath upon a comrade."

This brought pain to Naruto as he remembered back to his clash with Sasuke.

"Naruto, the akatsuki threat is looming over us now. Come with me for one on one training so we can counter this. It'll just be me, you and my research documents."


"Never mind that boy. Are you in or am I gonna have to force you?"

The young boy thought about this for a bit. He thought long and hard and when he summarised it in his head he realised something of great value. He realised that Sasuke was going to leave team 7 so this meant that it could not function anymore meaning it's broken anyway, he and Sakura can do anything now since it did not matter.

Before he was about to say his answer however the door was slammed open as their hokage entered the room. An angry face beaming at Jiraiya.

"Absolutely not! Naruto is to be kept here where he is with his comrades."

"Why should he be when his comrade is long gone?"

Silence fell as both Naruto and Tsunade contemplated what he just said.

"How do you know about Sasuke."

"Research gets me quite far." He snickered to himself.

To Naruto the scene looked quite uncontrollable to him as he could not, for the first time in his life, get his voice across where it could be heard as Jiraiya and Tsunade argued.

"Whatever research you conduct, my answer is still no to Naruto leaving the village. Within a week Naruto is to go train under an anbu unit who specialises in keeping him under control."

"How will he heal in a week?" Jiraiya answered for him.

"You will find out soon enough. Now stop interfering and let him stay."

Jiraiya finally turned to Naruto, "what do you think boy, what's your say in this?"

Now his voice could finally be heard and as he looked across the two sannin he lay his head back on his pillow and spoke softly.

"I don't care anymore. Do whatever you want with me and just leave."

Jiraiya looked over at Naruto, puzzled and confused. The hokage eventually grabbed him by the ear and pulled him out of the room, shutting the door so it was just him and Naruto.

"Naruto...I'm sorry about my decisions but In due time you will understand everything."

"Tsunade, how will I heal in a week?"

"That's for you to find out."

She finally opened the door and left, finally Naruto had gotten the solitude he wished for. An hour more and he was to meet Sakura but he spent his solitude wisely. Now he was sad but what brought even more pain was how he could not decide what was to happen to him, he had been cursed since birth and this was his price to pay.

This was Naruto, the nine tailed fox's jinchûriki. This was who he was. Who he would always be.



1. Kakashi the copy ninja
2. Naruto the knucklehead
3. Sasuke of the uchiha clan
4. Tsunade the new hokage
5. Ibiki the expert
6. Jiraiya the gallant

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