Hey :)

2.8K 28 13

Since this story is doing the best, i decided to post this on here.

I can not tell you how grateful i am for every one of you. Never in a million years, i thought, would this story get over a hundred. Now it has over 50K. wow. thank you all so much, beyond words. it's just a crazy thing to think about. thank you, thank you, thank you.

side note:
Always remember to check out my profile for new stories, updates, announcements, and more :)


New story; up and ready to read. Vote, comment, and let me know your opinions.

—another update lol—

so this story, overall, isn't very good. i'm thinking about redoing it completely, but keeping all the general stuff the same. opinions on that ??

•Incubus   *IN EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now