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Why in the hell was June Mayly in my house. How did she find me? "How did you-" I trailed off and pointed to the door. "Find you? Easy. Richest man in town. Biggest house." I almost smacked her. "Salama- Sally isn't here." She turned around, and gave me the death stare. "You were about to say Salamanca." She started inching towards me. "She doesn't even let me call her that. She's here." She paused, and looked around. "Somewhere."
After an hour and a half of looking, she gave up. "My house isn't even that big. I told you, she isn't here." Of course, she walks out just as I said that. I instantly face palmed. "Who isn't here?" She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw who was there. "Aha. I knew she was here. Cmon Sally. Let's go." She grabbed her wrist, and started to drag her off. "What? No!" She pulled her wrist out of June's grasp. "This is my home now."
"And he is the love of my life." June's mouth sat agape. "I hope you can accept it." She smiled weakly. "HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO ACCEPT THIS?! HES OVER TWICE YOUR AGE! GOD DAMN YOURE AN IDOT SALLY!" She inhaled and continued her rant. We couldn't do anything, so we just stood there. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU! ABANDONED ME FOR HIM! IM YOUR BEST-" she noticed. She noticed Salamanca's small bump. She was barely showing, but you could tell she was pregnant.
"Y-y-You're PREGNANT!?!" She was shocked, again. "Y'all are moving so f-fast. No. I can't handle this." And with that, she was gone. Without another word. Salamanca just stared at me, and I stared at her. We didn't really know what else to do.
Then I remembered; I promised Salamanca something. I promised her I would marry her if she was pregnant, and she is. I guess now I'll have to do what's right. Obviously, I want to marry her. But a promise is a promise.
"Salamanca, we haven't known each other for very long, but I'm completely, totally, and utterly in love with you. You're everything that I want, everything that I need. You make me whole. You make me me. You complete me. I don't want to go on without you being there with me. I don't want to go on without you being mine. Forever. I can't go on without you being my wife." You could tell she was really touched, and about to cry. "What are you saying?" She knew exactly what I was saying. I placed her hand in mine. "I may not have a ring, and this may not be the perfect time or place to do it, but.." I paused, for dramatic effect.
"Salamanca Hanford; will you be my wife?"

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