Wrong Movie

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Beta'd by exaigon on Fanfiction.Net


Before the vampire before her could take off she asked, "Where is he?"

Hermione didn't stop to think about what she was asking and apparently neither did he as he simply answered, "The cave."

It briefly occurred to her, as she grabbed ahold of David's arm, that if Marko was, in fact, in the cave then he shouldn't be harmed. If her health monitoring spell was working then so too should her protection one cast on the cave.

Still, she cleared her mind of the distraction quickly and thought only of their destination, the lost cave. Then, with a faint taste of blood on her lips and an image in her mind, they arrived.

The scene before her was loudly chaotic with angry growls, shouts, and screams of pain. It was all so distracting that the witch didn't even feel the arm in her grasp slip away.

Dwayne and Star were off to one side, his arm around her neck, and a blur that might have been Paul was just disappearing out the cave's entrance; he seemed to be chasing someone.

However, her eyes locked onto one person.


Marko was lying just to the right of the dry fountain; his withering form had a makeshift stake in his chest.

Did it get his heart?

He was moving too much for her to tell. The amount of blood spilling around him didn't help either.

David was at his fellow vampire's side in an instant, "Who did this?"

His demand was answered by Dwayne whose face she saw was contorted into his vampire façade. And given the similar gravelly undertone of David's voice the girl could assume his own face was the same even though his back was to her.


Somehow this both shocked her and didn't at the same time. He was still fighting them even as a full vampire it seemed.

Then the screams faded just as Marko's body stopped convulsing.

He was dead.

Everything blurred together then. First the sounds; David's voice, Dwayne's, Star's. It was all jumbled and growing distant. The images went next. The last thing she saw clearly was Marko's still form and David advancing on where Dwayne held Star.


With a groan, Hermione opened one eye and then quickly sat up and nearly lost whatever she'd eaten last in the process.

Swallowing, she realized that her throat was painfully dry and the scene before her was painfully familiar. It was made no better by the pounding in her skull. It felt like a hangover. Looking up felt like the worst déjà vu of her life as her eyes fell on the sign reading, 'Welcome to Santa Carla.'

It was like someone rewound the tape.

Hermione's eyes nearly watered at the thought having to start this all over; of being stuck in a loop of some kind.

'This movie is supposed to be the Lost Boys, not Groundhog Day,' she thought bitterly to herself.

Still seated on the hard ground and making no move to get up, another round of déjà vu hit her when a voice called out from the other side of the sign, "What was it that Dorothy girl said again?"

Hermione heard a slightly hysterical note in her voice when she answered with the same words as before, "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

Hermione and the Lost Boys (Harry Potter/Lost Boys Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now