The Change Part 2

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After pushing aside certain thoughts, Hermione mentioned her idea to just transfigure money and Ginny was surprisingly okay with it and, in the older witch's opinion, went overboard.

"Really Gin? When are you gonna have time to wear all of this?" She gestured towards the shopping bags full of clothes. "

I know we'll only be here a few more days but having options never hurts."

"Okay fair enough but where exactly are you going to put it all? I mean our current residence doesn't have a usable closet."

Ginny grinned and pointed at a building near the beach. "No, but our new one does."

The brunette's eyes followed her finger, "A hotel?"

The redhead nodded enthusiastically, "Yup!"

"Ginny you know we can't make the transfigured item hold long enough for that to work. Maybe for one night if we're lucky."

"True but your transfiguration idea gave me one of my own, see." She held up a card. A credit card.

Hermione grabbed it, "This looks and feels real, but it won't work. The numbers-"

"Good thing it's an exact copy of somebody else's apart from the name then, huh?" Ginny snickered smugly.

"How-no when did you get your hands on some else's card?"

"I wasn't just trying on clothes earlier. So let's get a room! I'm dying for a real bath."

The bushy-haired girl reminded herself that identity theft in a world that was only temporary wouldn't really affect someone in the long run so she grudgingly went with it. "Fine but one of us needs to create an ID with this person's name," Hermione paused to look at the name and was grateful it was a woman's name, "Iris Hale."

"Okay Hermione, or should I say Iris? Hurry it up. I can hear the shower calling my name."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Not that simple. I have no idea what American IDs in the eighties look like, so that shower will just have to keep calling you until I find out."

Ginny groaned, "Can't we just summon someone's ID and be done with it?"

"Sure, if you wanna explain to the people who witness a flying piece of plastic the reason that it's flying."

"The wind?" Ginny suggested with a coy grin.

Hermione gave her a look of irritation. "Come on. You got a hold of the credit card to make a realistic copy without notice. I'm sure between the two of us we can see what an ID looks like."

"Yeah... but I really want to wash my hair now," the redhead whined as she tugged on a piece of her limp hair to emphasize her point.

"Well, the sooner you stop complaining the sooner your hair will get washed."

Hermione turned and walked away having said that. The ginger followed but she wasn't happy about it and made it known quietly so as not to hamper their chances of sneakily snagging an ID from someone temporarily.


Ginny was probably happier than she'd been since she arrived in this weird and awful place as the young witch was now freshly showered and dressed in a sexy but comfortable set of PJs atop of a real bed. Yes, she was just about in heaven for the moment as she laid stretched out on her stomach flipping through the telly channels mindlessly.

Hermione, who had just exited the bathroom to find her friend lounging around in her PJs, nearly scolded her for it but ultimately didn't because they still had a couple hours left until they needed to get to Michael's house. Relaxing was probably a good idea to help de-stress themselves.

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