Movie Night

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Disclaimer: I don't own The Lost Boys or Harry Potter.

A/N: This is a Lost Boys and Harry Potter Crossover, my account is always vanishing which is something I've never heard of but it's happening to me so I'll be putting all my stories on here soon I hope you enjoy.

*EDIT 10/17/18* Chapters 1 through 9 have been beautifully beta'd by exaigon


Sitting in front a bookshelf with a modest, but growing, collection of movies was one Hermione Granger; one-third of the golden trio and heroine of the Wizarding World.

Currently, she was trying to find a movie to watch with her friends. It was always an interesting experience watching movies with her magical world born friends.

Nothing had yet to top when Draco Malfoy came over with her friends one night and watched Mary Poppins. That was the most fun she'd had in a while.

It had taken some time but now, two years after the end of that dreadful final battle, people were finally starting to heal. It was unlikely that they'd ever forget though, especially with the press around since they were just as bad as they ever were. Only now Hermione was just as much a target for it as Harry was.

That was one of the reasons, the main reason actually, as to why the young woman's apartment was located in a muggle neighborhood and not a magical one. The last thing she wanted was to be hounded the second she stepped outside her door.

Sure, she could just go Harry's route and Floo or apparate from home but call it her muggle roots if you must. The young witch wanted to be able to leave her home through the front door.

Speaking of her home, it was a mix of both muggle and magical, unlike most of her close friends, and as such she had a working television. Because of that she usually had at least one movie night a week at her place with her friends.

Tonight was one such night. After another moment of shifting movies around Hermione's eyes caught a certain title she hadn't seen in a while, "The Lost Boys" and brightened said eyes up before she reached over and pulled it off of the shelf.

"I haven't watched this in forever." Hermione turned the movie over, read the description on the back, and smiled. "Well looks like I found tonight's movie." Just then the Floo came to life. "And just in time too."

Ginny stepped out the Floo saying, "Hey, looks like it's just us girls tonight. Harry and Ron have some Auror thing."

Normal movie nights consisted of the four of them but occasionally they had a tag along like Luna Lovegood or Draco Malfoy.

"Oh well, their loss. I picked one of my old childhood favorites tonight."

"Neat what is it about?" The redhead asked as she headed towards the kitchen, "I brought drinks. Where's the bottle opener?"

"Well, I guess I'll just sum it up by saying 80s vampires," Hermione answered while walking over to the VCR player from her bookshelf. "Oh, and it's in the second drawer to the right."

After a triumphant cry from the kitchen letting the older witch know that her guest had found what she was looking for, Hermione called to Ginny from the living room, "So, no popcorn tonight?"

"Nope. My buzzkill of a brother isn't here so we're gonna drink the night away while admiring some sexy vamps." She came out of the kitchen throwing a wink Hermione's way while bottles of alcohol followed floating behind her along with some shot glasses. The brunette guessed that the drinks would be stronger stuff than just the standard fire whiskey that she was used to.

Hermione and the Lost Boys (Harry Potter/Lost Boys Crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang