The Final Night Part 1

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"Hermione?" A quiet voice pierced the dark and silent room.

"Hmmm?" The witch in question was lightly dozing finally, and so she hoped the other wouldn't ask anything that would pull her into full consciousness.

"Do you think this world's like a dream?" Ginny cuddled closer to the other girl having decided to share a bed for the night. It felt safer that way.

"A dream... How do you mean?" Hermione mumbled sleepily.

"If you nearly die in a dream you wake up..." Her voice sounded so loud to Hermione even though she was still only speaking at just a whisper.

"You don't think we haven't been close to death?" The brunette's voice was more awake now, regretfully.

"I dunno..."

"Even if we haven't that's not something we should try putting to the test." She felt the other shift and sighed, "Ginny?"

The redhead stopped moving her body, but the other girl felt her head move. She was nodding.

"Yeah, you're right..."

This wasn't one of the times to joke about 'always being right.' Instead, the older girl simply said, "Try and get some sleep, okay Gin?"


Sleep didn't come for either for a while after that and once it did the two sleep fitfully. When one wasn't having a nightmare they were being woken by the other who was. It was Hermione's worst night in ages and it wasn't helping that her mind was combining the war and the recent slaughter she'd seen.

The next morning Hermione was up first again and desperately wishing for a Pepperup Potion. She settled on the hotel's complimentary coffee which was nasty but so were most potions. She'd grit her teeth and bear it.

Hermione frowned at the normal phrase that had somehow made her uneasy. Was the mention of teeth now enough for her mind to think vampires? Well then, maybe it was a good thing her parents were no longer around. Shaking her head and pushing away the bad thoughts, she poured out the rest of her coffee in the sink before deciding a shower would help wake her.

The shower helped some and by the time she was out and dressed the clock read one o' clock. Her sleeping schedule was completely out of whack she mourned briefly before pushing it away as it wasn't important just then.

"Ginny?" She called out while approaching the sleeping girl. Her hair was a frightful mess, most likely from all the tossing and turning the night before. Hermione stood beside the bed and tried to shake her awake. "Gin come on, do you want some breakfast?" Glancing over at the bedside table clock she amended, "Or lunch?"

The girl grunted but stays face down.

"I guess I'll just go grab the both of us something. Hopefully, you'll like it." If not, it wasn't her fault the other was pulling a Ron two mornings in a row. Granted, neither slept well the night before so it wasn't like she didn't get it.

Hermione was tired as well but as much as she'd love to lay in bed and forget about the world she didn't have the luxury.

As she went to leave a hand shot out and grabbed her arm startling her, "Ginny!"

Hermione's free hand gripped her chest where her heart was pounding fast at the sudden action. Just what she needed, a heart attack over something so harmless when she'd been dealing with psychotic vampires the past couple of nights.

"Ginny... you gonna give me back my arm?" She asked with a small tug of said arm. The redhead was still face down shaking her head childishly. Hermione sighed, "Okay then wanna tell me why?"

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