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Ginny was laughing and hollering along with the boys and she was having a blast riding on the back of Paul's bike from what Hermione could tell whenever she glanced back behind her. The blonde vampire Ginny was riding with was either doing his best to show off or just plain trying to scare the redhead to death. Not that it worked... that girl either had a death wish or was an adrenaline junkie. Which, now that the brunette really gave it a decent amount of thought, both were a very good possibility.

A hand touched her own that was currently wrapped around the waist of the Lost Boys' leader. It caught her attention, so she turned her head away from watching Ginny.

"Relax. Your friend is alright. More than alright. She seems to be having the time of her life." David told her. Luckily, she was close enough to catch all of his words despite the roaring wind.

"I know she is... That's what worries me."

The last part was said in a lower tone, but his vampire hearing picked it up easily. "I'm sure she can take care of herself."

Hermione would usually agree, especially when it came to boys, but these weren't some schoolboys that Ginny was dealing with. Even the boys she 'dated' after Hogwarts weren't anything like these ones and not because they were not vampires either. Ginny never really dated a bad boy... or any boy that couldn't be brought home for a Weasley family dinner.

Not that she was looking to date the vampire but it was rare for her to shag someone she wasn't dating... Hermione was beginning to think she was thinking too hard about all this, but she still couldn't fathom her friend's fascination with Paul. It was just strange to the other witch. She wasn't like Hermione; Ginny still had a family, a nice big loving family.

"You might want to stop thinking so loud."

That jerked the witch out of her thoughts, "What? Did you... read my mind. No, that's not possible."

She didn't feel anything break through her barrier. Could things work differently for vampires? Or was it just because her magic now worked differently. Either way... She concentrated on her mental shield hoping to strengthen it.

David laughed, "Some pieces slipped through."

"What about now?" Hermione questioned him and for a moment he didn't answer. Not feeling anything trying to get passed her shield should mean he isn't trying to but does it? Shouldn't she feel something?

"No, nothing now." David eventually replied.

That was a relief but now she needed to be careful about slipping up. Who knew what he could pick out of her head if she wasn't careful. Speaking of that, what did he hear?

"So, what exactly slipped through?" The brunette witch tried to act casual with her question, though she isn't positive that it worked.

He turned his head slightly so their faces were now much too close for Hermione's comfort. He was even more attractive close up like this and if she wasn't on the back of a speeding vehicle she'd have jerked backward to avoid the closeness. Hermione steeled herself so she wouldn't react that way.

He smirked as if knowing that before answering, "Nothing important just you wondering what your little friend finds so captivating about my pal Paul back there."

Oh well, that wasn't too bad of a thing to slip... if he was telling the truth and that was all that he'd heard.

"Is that all?"

His smirk never left his face as he turned his attention back to the road giving no answer. He did that on purpose... he wanted her to stress over it but Hermione would not give him the satisfaction of doing so. After all, even if he got more than that from her she wasn't thinking anything that could be used against her.

Hermione and the Lost Boys (Harry Potter/Lost Boys Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now