Chapter Sixteen

En başından başla

 "About two weeks," Tony clicks his tongue.

 "Well, anyways, thank you for everything," I thank my parents for my wonderful gifts.

 "Wait, I really did get you something," Tony waves his hand, "If you go check out your car, I upgraded the center console. It is now connected to Lucis, has internet, and has a direct line to S.H.I.E.L.D. and me, plus various other features. Also, there is a secret space in the trunk for a back-up suit."

 "Oh, wow," I widen my eyes as I wasn't expecting a real gift from Tony, "Thank you, that's awesome!"

 "See, I can give my daughter good gift," Tony looks at my mom, "You don't just have to put my name on a card." My mom smiles but rolls her eyes. "She didn't think I could pick out a gift alone for you," Tony accusingly points at her.

 "I didn't think you could. You're not the best gift giver," My mom scoffs.

 "Have some faith in me," He harasses her.

 "So, Monica, what do you want to do today?" My mom switches subjects.

 "Wait, before you answer that," Tony interrupts, "I can't get over you wearing a sock on your prosthetic."

 "Why wouldn't I wear one?" I question.

 "Because technically that foot can't feel heat or cold," Tony cocks his head.

 "Oh, and this looks more natural?" I ask as I pull off the sock on my metal foot.

 "Not at all," Tony states, "I just find it funny; the sock serves no purpose. It's like if you were to stick a blanket over a log to keep it warm."

 "Shut up, it's comforting," I fake whine.

 "Okay, back to the original question," My mom looks confused on how we got onto that topic.

 "Oh yeah, I have absolutely no idea. I haven't thought about it," I admit.

 "Well, I took the whole day off and I don't think your father has anything planned today."

 "Jarvis, if I have anything on my schedule, clear it."

 "Just did, sir."

 "Thank you."       

 "So, anything you want to do today," My mom smiles.

 "I really don't know," I exhale.

 "How about, you go get ready and you can think about it," My mom suggests.

 "Yeah, I'll do that!" I perk up

 My mom wishes me happy birthday again as I exit the kitchen. I head back to my bedroom- my actual bedroom, not in the safe house.

 It has been six days since I was kidnapped. We stayed solely in the safe house for a few nights following the attack. For the past three days we have only stayed in the safe house for the nights. Black Dwarf has only ever attacked at night, so we feel that we only have to worry at night time. Plus, during the day we are much more alert and ready for if he was to attack. S.H.I.E.L.D. still has yet to gain any leads on Black Dwarf. We're sitting ducks, for we have no way to detect him. Well, we're sitting ducks with at least a few big guns ready to be used in our defense.

 As I said, it has been six days since the incident. My cuts and scrapes have turned into scabs. My swollen face is in its final stage of bruising; it's nothing that a little makeup can't hide. It is still sore to touch, but healing. I can hide the injuries on my leg by wearing jeans; however, it is too hot in Los Angeles to be wearing long sleeves and jeans, so my beat up arms are on full display. They don't look too bad anymore, but not flawless.

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