Magic Scrolls

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We then went to the guild.

As soon as I entered, I felt an entirely different atmosphere.

Some are looking at me like I'm someone they admire, and some are looking at me with jealousy.

I then went directly to the counter of Erin.

"H-Hey... What happened? Why are they looking like that?"

"Well... Because, they knew about you"

"About me? What exactly about me?"

"Um... Since we gave you a guild card, you were placed on the S rank panel which can be seen at the request board"

"Ah... That thing, huh... Well, that would be good that they knew of me"

"Okay... So, um, why are you here, Akatsuki-san?"

"I would like to purchase magic scrolls with skills"

"This way please"

We were guided by Erin to a vacant room at the back of her counter.

"Please choose from here"

She then brought several scrolls.

"Before anything else... How could I learn with a scroll?"

"Y-You just need to open it and read the skill inside" (Erin)

"Ah... Okay, I'll buy all of it"


"Yeah... How much will it be?"

"... 250 gold coins"

"Okay, here..."

I then handed her the same bag she gave me but the contents are already reduced to only a little bit.

"Um, is there already a spatial storage skill here?"

"Ah, yes, there's 3 in there"

"Oh... If that is the case, can you help me find it?"


We then started searching for the skill.

"I've found it"

"Oh! Good! Then, let's search for the other two"

We then continued searching until we have finally taken the three scrolls.

"Um... Aisha-chan, do you already have this skill?"


"How about you, Ellen?"

"I-I don't have that skill, Master..."

"I see... Then, Erin?"

"I-I also don't have it since it's expensive desu"


I then took one, and gave the other two to Ellen and Erin.

"Um... Is it really alright for me to learn this, Master?"

"Of course... You will be my slave now so I need to make you very useful"

"Thank you very much, Master"


"Akatsuki-san!" (Erin)

"What is it?"

"Me too?! I can really receive this?!"

"Of course... It's my gift for you"

"Gift? But, why will you give me a gift?"

"Because, I just feel that I want to give you something"

"Oh, I see... Anyways, thank you so much, Akatsuki-san!"


I then used the magic scroll and successfully learnt the skill. After learning it, I stored the other scrolls inside and bid farewell to Erin.

As I was walking home, I can feel different bloodlusts directed at me.

I then went to a back alley, and as soon as I did, they've revealed themselves and surrounded us.

All of them are wearing black clothes and their faces are hidden.

"A typical ambush... Anyways, let's get this over already"

As they've got irritated, they all jumped at us,  but, I used my skill, Dark Press and immediately crushed them to death.

"W-Will that be alright?" (Aisha)

"Yes, don't worry about that"

As soon as we finished, we walked home and arrived safely without anymore disturbances.

"Fuuuuu..... Learning all of that should be tiring" (Aisha)


I then focused on learning the skills throughout the night.


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