November 15th, 20BBY

926 47 12

Dear Diary,

    I have some very troubling news. Clovis is back on Coruscant and has invited me to a private dinner. What does he want from me?

   I wouldn't be going if his message didn't say this...

  Dear Padme,

       Meet me for dinner at my apartment. If you don't, well... you know.

       And wear something nice.


   If Anakin read this, he would go nuts! Of course, that wouldn't be a bad thing at the moment. But this really has me worried. I don't know if I should alert the Jedi Council or not. I don't want Anakin finding out about all this Clovis business.

    Well, I guess I better get going...

                               Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1

P.S.- Anakin, if I don't come back and you find this, I'm perfectly okay with you ripping Clovis' head off.

Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1Where stories live. Discover now