November 17th, 20BBY

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Dear Diary,

    Ugh! Anakin isn't coming home for at least another month! I can't believe this!

    He messaged me this morning. He was on Castell! Here's what happened...

    After an hour of trying to reach Anakin, he finally picked up.

    Anakin: Padme, I'm sorry I haven't picked up. There's been no signal.

    Me: I thought you were on Coruscant...

    Anakin: Well, I wanted to take a vacation, but I was needed on Castell. I had no choice.

    Me: Oh...

    Anakin: I'm sorry Padme. I really wanted to see you. It's been so long...

    Me: Anakin, I wanted to tell you this in person but-

    Anakin: It's okay Padme, I know about Clovis. Obi-wan briefed me on what happened. I'm just glad you're okay.

    Me: But I-

   I actually wanted to tell him about the baby. Maybe then he would come home sooner. But it was so hard. I'd kept the secret so long, I didn't know how to explain it all...

    Anakin: Padme, it's fine. But there's something I was wondering. Why were you with Clovis? I thought he was dead.

    Me: It was nothing.

    Anakin: Padme, how can that not be something?

    Me: He... he threatened to tell the Council about us.

    Anakin: He black-mailed you?

    Me: You could say that...

    Anakin: He didn't hurt you did he?

    Me: Umm...

    Anakin: He hurt you? He better be glad you got to him before I did! Padme, this is why I worry about you! You could have been killed! I don't want you getting involved with those kinds of things anymore. Why don't you go to Naboo for a while? You'll be much safer there.

    I wanted to tell him he was wrong. I wanted to tell him that I would be fine. But the truth was, I couldn't guarantee that...

    Me: I know. You're right...

    Anakin: I'm glad you agree. I want you to be safe since I'll be gone so long.

    Me: What do you mean?

    Anakin: Well, I won't be home for a while longer...

    Me: What else is new?

    Anakin: I am trying Padme.

    I know he's trying. But can't he try just a little harder? I miss him.

    Me: I know. I'm sorry Anakin.

    Anakin's gaze fell to the ground. He seemed depressed, even through the halo projector.

    Me: Ani, what's wrong?

    Anakin: It seems like all we ever do is apologize to each other. For everything.

    Me: I'm sorry- Oh, I did it again, didn't I?

    Anakin looked up and smiled a little. I missed that smile so much...

   Me: I know what you mean though. It feels like we forgot how to have real conversations. I wish I could speak to you face to face.

   Anakin: I do too. At least we have R2 and the halo projector.

   Me: Yeah, I don't know what we would do without it.

   Anakin: Well, I better go wake up 're and the boys. We have a long trip ahead of us before we reach the clone base. I love you Padme.

   Me: I love you too. And don't forget to wear an extra tunic! You know how cold Castell can get.

   Anakin: I know, I know... Bye Padme.

  The blue image of Anakin fizzled out and left me with the same bitter sweet feeling I got whenever I spoke to him.

    Well, I better go finish packing for Naboo!

                               Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1

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