September 1st, 20BBY

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Dear Diary,

   I've been very busy in the Senate. I wish Bail would stop pestering me with that Mon Mothna woman. I can't believe that his lack of faith in the Chancellor! Anyways, I'm getting off track from what I really wanted to tell you... I got a message from Anakin! I checked my halo prosecutor's mailbox last night and among the regular senatorial junk mail was a private message from Felucia!

   My heart thumped in my chest as I played the message...

    Padme, it's been a while since I've been home but I hope you know how much I miss you. I think of you every day and every night. Obi-wan and I finally reached the base we were looking for and I just finished messaging the Council of our arrival. That's when I found out that our channel also had signal so I decided to sneak in this message. I hope you are doing alright. It breaks my heart that I can not be with you. But I promise, once I finish this mission, I will be back home and we can spend some time together. I love you so much. Goodbye, My Darling...

   As the hologram of Anakin retracted into the projector, a smile crossed my face. He would soon be home and I could share the wonderful news of our baby with him!

  I've probably replayed the message about a dozen times; treasuring every word he says.

  I miss him so much and I can't wait for him to get home!

                                  Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1

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