September 25th, 20BBY

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Dear Diary,

  The morning sickness has passed! Thank the Force! I feel a lot better!

  But after talking to Anakin today, I'm not in a good mood...

   Anakin: Padme! I'm so glad you're home! I was worried you'd be busy.

   Me: Well I've been sick lately...

   Anakin: Oh, are you feeling better?

   Me: Yes. Actually I'm great right now. And Ani, there's something I've been wanting to tell you...

   Anakin: What is- Hang on!

   That's when I heard Rex, Commander of the 501st yell something.

   Rex: General Skywalker! Are you in there?

   Anakin: What is it?

   Rex: Sorry to bother you but I need to speak with you in the cockpit!

   Anakin: I'm sorry Rex. You are a going to have to wait a little while. I'm in the middle of a very important message. *smirk toward me*

   Rex: But-

   Anakin: Goodbye!

   I thought it was sweet that Anakin cared more about me than his clone troops. But. still wanted to tell him about the baby. Even though it was via Halo projector. But that didn't happen.

    Anakin: Sorry Padme. Its kind of crazy around here.

    Me: It's fine. But Ani...

    Anakin: It's just, I have so much responsibility these days. And now that Ahsoka is... gone...

   It's only been a few months since Anakin's Padawan Ahsoka Tano left the Jedi Order. Ahsoka had become a good friend of mine. To Anakin, she was like a little sister. He had taken it pretty hard.

    Me: I know Ani.

    Anakin: It's just that, I don't feel like I'm ready to be in charge of someone. To be their role model. I failed her. The Council asked if I was willing to take on a new apprentice, but I don't think I will be ready for a while...

    Me: I understand.

    I couldn't tell him that soon he would be the role model of our child! Not while he was still upset about Ahsoka.

    Me: Ani, don't blame yourself. You have to stop blaming yourself. You can't live like that.

    Anakin: I know... I will... I just need some more time...

    Me: Is six months enough time?

    Anakin: What?

    Me: Nothing!

    I didn't mean to say that out loud but I'm kinda frustrated. I want Anakin to know that he will be a father soon! But I kinda don't! I don't know anymore!

                           Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1 even though that 1's father has no idea   he/she exists!

P.S.- Sorry, the morning sickness has passed, but my hormones are making me kinda rage-prone.

Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1Where stories live. Discover now