December 8th, 20BBY

907 41 3

Dear Diary,

   Good news! Anakin's journal has proven helpful once again! I was skimming through when I found an important page in the back. I'll copy it down...

   Custom Replacements:

     For the sake of saving time, you hid some extra parts throughout the house for safe keeping. Here's a list so you don't forget...

   .Audio syncs-  top right kitchen cabinet (because Padme can't reach up there anyways)

   .Signal Chips- underwear drawer

   .Circuit wires for filter- Padme's top closet shelf (also out of her reach as long as you hide the little stool)

   .Projection rods- sock drawer

   It probably seems silly to hide this stuff all over the house, but I have to keep it hidden from anyone who comes over to see Padme. Its not like I can leave a box of "Anakin's tools" out in the living room.

   So that's why I couldn't find my step stool! He's gonna hear about that when he gets home!

   Anyways, I'll be able to start work on the projector after this afternoon's Senate meeting. And after I work up the courage to rummage through Anakin's sock drawer... HELP!

                               Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1

Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora