October 15th, 20BBY

979 50 4

Dear Diary,

    So with all my time at home, I've had to be pretty creative with how I entertain myself.

    This morning, I read my entire diary and counted every time I wrote something about Anakin's sexy laughter... twelve times. I honestly thought it would be more. Well I guess now that I mentioned it again, it's really thirteen.

   You can probably tell how bored I am. Is it bad that I've lost hope that my husband will be home within six months? It's just that, I'm sick of getting my hopes up. Anakin hasn't been home in three and a half months!

    But I guess I'm not being fair toward my poor husband. I'm mean he was ran over... he probably wants to be back home just as much as I want him to. I can't imagine all the fatigue and weariness he must feel on a regular basis. Then again... I'm the pregnant one!

                               Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1

Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora