December 17th, 20BBY

902 38 0

Dear Diary,

   Sorry I haven't written in a while. Between Senate meetings, REBEL meetings, and working on the halo projector, I haven't had time to write.

   I haven't gotten very far with the projector though. Those wires take forever to fix! Before I can even get to replacing the rod, I have to untangle all the metal threads intertwined around it. It's taking forever!

    The Senate is preparing for a big vote on a treaty with the Seperatists. I really hope it passes because this could help us end the war! Sadly, many senators do not want the treaty. They still don't trust the whole idea of it. I wish I could warn them about the weapon that the Seperatists are planning. If they knew about that, they would definitely be on board for a peace treaty.

   But I'm not allowed to share that information. Bail says we need hard evidence before we make any accusations.

   We better get some soon though. I'm not sure how long the Senate will last in this war.

                                 Love, Mrs. Skywalker + 1

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